The G.T. Mickey Leland Federal Building is situated in Houston, Texas. Originally built after 1983 to commemorate the existence of the late U.S. Congressman George Thomas “Mickey” Leland. It serves as evidence of his legacy and contributions to the public. Going through a remarkable makeover, the building has transformed from a bulky structure to a lightweight glass structure that expresses impressive architectural character. Redesigned by Gensler, who is known for its innovative and functional design, created a delicate balance between functionality and modern aesthetics with the renovation of the Federal building questioning the older methods of construction and design, and creating an astounding structure that speaks of sustainability and individuality.

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The G.T. Mickey Leland Federal Building _©

Architecture, Planning, and Design

With the need for complete modernization, and replacement, and to address the issues of air and water infiltration and energy conservation, Gensler approached the design of the G.T. Mickey Leland Federal Building that incorporates functionality, aesthetics, and integration with context. With the aim to build a modern architectural style, the structure was inculcated with sleek lines, rigid but accessible geometric shapes, and adaptable use of space by the living. Encompassing all the contemporary architectural trends, the federal building contributes to maintaining the environmental balance making it energy efficient and sustainable.

This 22-story highrise structure is an office building that houses regional offices of U.S. Government agencies. Based on the functionality, Gensler was able to accommodate the services and activities required for the smooth running of the structure and facilitate an efficient workflow. One of the most celebrated parts of the structure is the 2 story high wall, known as a monumental piece designed by American artist, Leonardo Drew. The wall indicates a minimal juxtaposition of art and architecture where different materials are exhibited in a simple grid, and showcase a dynamic expression. The innovative use of glass on the exterior only enhances the structure visually and stands out as a landmark of the place. Easy communication and accessibility were also taken care of while ensuring privacy and security wherever necessary.

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The 2 story wall by Leanordo Drew _©

While complementing the surroundings, they have incorporated elements and features like shading devices, natural ventilation, and landscaping that assist in reducing the environmental impact as well as promoting sustainable characteristics. The stunning design of multilayered landscaping blends with context leading toward the entry pavilion that runs parallel to the garage walkway and is shaded with a roof blanketed with greenery.  As a Federal building, Gensler has also designed a balanced accessibility with security measures with controlled entry points, and surveillance systems. Overall, the design of the GT Mickey Leland Federal Building imbued all the characteristics of excellent architecture.   

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Multilayered landscape _©

Materiality and Construction

Focusing on designing a sustainable structure, the choice of material for all three aspects: interior, exterior, and structural was to serve the purpose of durability, architectural versatility, and creating dynamic facades that increase visual engagement. Keeping aside the aesthetics of the structure, the ease of maintenance and user comfort was the priority for Gensler which was achieved by a perfect selection of materials like glass, steel, and precast panels for exteriors, also common materials like sustainable wood finishes for interiors, low VOC paints, and energy efficient glazing systems to maximize the natural light inside the building. Additionally, the structural system of the structure included high-strength steel and RCC that provide stability and resistance to natural forces. The application of the respective materials in the structure has helped in achieving both aesthetic and functional goals with advanced construction techniques and minimum production of wastage. 

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The renovated glass façade _©


Considering the layout for the G.T. Mickey Leland, Gensler has incorporated sustainable design principles to reduce the impact on the environment and enhance occupant well-being. Energy-efficient strategies were applied such as passive solar design, and high-performance insulation that assists in reducing energy consumption. Additionally, the building also integrates renewable energy sources like solar panels. To align with the modernization of the Federal building while reducing the environmental footprint, Atelier Ten with Gensler analyzed numerous options for improving the facade. The probabilities and possibilities of the design concluded with a high-performance reclad over the existing facade. This helped reduce solar heat gains and energy use by 9%. Water conservation measures, green roofs, and landscaping were also provided for further enhancement of the building’s sustainability. 

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Energy-efficient spaces _©

With the rejuvenation of the G.T. Mickey Leland Federal Building, Gensler has created a harmonious blend of spaces with an impressive design, efficient techniques, and sustainability principles. The new facades with reduced heat, the multilayered landscaping that merges with the context, and a simple mix of greens with the curved pavilion have only proved to be the epitome of the modern redevelopment era. The Federal Building by Gensler has not only created a greater inspiration for future redevelopment projects but also as an impressive example for maintaining the environmental balance leading towards sustainable growth. 

Reference List: 

‌ (n.d.). Best Office/Retail/Mixed-Use: G.T. Mickey Leland Federal Building | 2015-12-07 | ENR | Engineering News-Record. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 25 Apr. 2024].

Atelier Ten. (2024). G.T. Mickey Leland Federal Building. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2024].

‌ Curtainwall Design Consulting. (n.d.). George Thomas ‘Mickey’ Leland Federal Building. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 25 Apr. 2024].

Gensler. (n.d.). G.T. Mickey Leland Federal Building | Projects. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 25 Apr. 2024]. (n.d.). Number 123, Mickey Leland Federal Building, Houston, Texas. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 25 Apr. 2024].

‌Image List:

‌Image 1, 2, 3 & 5:

Gensler. (n.d.). G.T. Mickey Leland Federal Building | Projects. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 25 Apr. 2024].

‌Image 4:

Curtainwall Design Consulting. (n.d.). George Thomas ‘Mickey’ Leland Federal Building. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 25 Apr. 2024].



Architect Sarah Sayyed,attempting to describe all around you and that surround you with added Enhancement and Excitement.She is a reader, a designer and that introverted architect on the social journey of becoming a writer who wants to show people the world the way she experiences it.