Sergey Bekmukhanbetov and Rustam Minnekhanov from the Kvadrat Architects designed the interior of The Friendly’s music pub in Astana. They are friends with the owner and did the interior “as for themselves”.

Project Name: The Friendly’s in Astana
Studio Name: Kvadrat Architects
Area: 450 m2
Photos: Gleb Kramchaninov

The Friendly’s in Astana by Kvadrat Architects-Sheet2
©Gleb Kramchaninov

The project was ordered by an old client — Rustam and Sergey had already done two bars for him and when he decided to open a third one, he turned to them because they know all the nuances and understand him half-heartedly. “This is the case when the client has become a friend – we complement each other,” the designers explain.

The Friendly’s in Astana by Kvadrat Architects-Sheet3
©Gleb Kramchaninov

Astana is a young capital, so the locations “with history” here can be counted on one’s fingers. One of them is the music pub The Friendly’s. It was here that one of the oldest pubs in the city opened many years ago. The owners of the premises have changed, the concepts have changed, but not the interior. The wood and leather have absorbed the smells and aged beautifully, revealing the charm of the natural texture. The current owner has retained the atmosphere of an English pub, but has added features of a traditional American bar and industrial style.

The 450-square-meter space needed a radical rethinking of guest routing and seating, as the concept of the establishment added dancing, which was not present in the previous bar. A second, open kitchen was also needed.

The Friendly’s in Astana by Kvadrat Architects-Sheet5
©Gleb Kramchaninov

The project was done in a very tight timeframe, about one month, but everything was done in one breath without revisions, as the designers and the client inspired each other.

Harry Potter’s room and other surprises

Everything in the atmosphere of the bar works to create a unique atmosphere. There are plenty of entertaining details. At the far end of the corridor is a secret door with a barn lock. At any moment it can open and the bartender will give you a liqueur on the house. Among pub regulars this place is called “Harry Potter’s room” – it is mysterious and located under the stairs. Nobody knows when exactly the secret door will open.

The Friendly’s in Astana by Kvadrat Architects-Sheet10
©Gleb Kramchaninov

The ladies’ room houses a statue of Apollo with a fig leaf covering his nudity. But unlike the museum sculpture, this one can be lifted. When this happens, a lamp in the bar lights up and visitors greet the girl with applause for her inquisitiveness and openness. The men’s room is also full of surprises: a mirror with which you can measure your height (it hangs at two meters level), a urinal with a sensor that triggers a guitar riff when in use.


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