Though many plumbing issues can be solved with research and the necessary tools, it may be best to seek professional help for others. Understanding when it is best to call in an expert will save money and headaches! Leaks can be an emergency plumbing concern, but how do you detect one if it can’t be seen?

No Water

As soon as your faucet doesn’t respond when you turn it on, panic sets in. After all, running water is vital for showering, dishes and other daily tasks. Before calling an overland park plumber, it’s essential that you assess the situation calmly first. It’s also important to investigate all professional options, thoroughly.

Check other taps within your home for proper functioning – if all others appear unaffected then chances are your issue lies with just one or two fixtures and can easily be fixed; otherwise contact neighbors and your water supplier immediately to determine why or whatever might be causing the delay before calling someone for professional help.

If your water supply suddenly ceases, calling a plumber should be your top priority. This could indicate major leaks, main water line issues or frozen pipes which could even flood your home and cause structural damage – you should locate and turn off any shut-off valves immediately to reduce damage until a professional can arrive on site.

Leaking faucets are another common reason to contact a plumber, though their slow drip may not appear urgent at first. Over time however, this leakage wastes large quantities of water which costs money and contributes to environmental degradation. A plumbing expert can repair or replace your faucets to stop this dripping and help lower utility costs by eliminating it completely.

Clogged drains are another pressing plumbing concern that must be attended to immediately. A quick plunge with a plunger should resolve most minor clogs; larger obstructions require additional efforts. If persistent or multiple instances occur at once, contact a plumber for an inspection and diagnosis of your issue.

Clogged Drains

Every home’s plumbing system will encounter clogs at some point; although this might seem like a simple issue to address, the truth is drains and sewer lines may become blocked in various ways, necessitating professional help to locate and resolve.

Initial signs of clogs typically include slow draining sinks, bathtubs and showers. Over time, hair, soap scum and other debris build-up in pipes narrows their passage and slows water flow, eventually becoming an obstruction to water flow altogether. Recognizing early warning signs can save headaches and costly repairs from becoming major headaches and costly repairs.

However, if your drains remain consistently clogged or begin to smell badly, it’s time to bring in professional assistance. A plunger and baking soda and vinegar may work to dislodge surface-level blockages; otherwise, an auger or plumber’s snake may need to reach deeper inside pipes to clear clogs more effectively.

Sewage Smells

If you detect a sewer odor, it is crucial that you contact a professional plumber immediately. Sewer odors result from waste breaking down in your pipes and may include dangerous gasses like hydrogen sulfide that can irritate eyes, dizziness and headaches. However, usually leaks or clogs in drains cause these smells which can easily be resolved with professional plumbing assistance.

First step to diagnosing any sewage smells in your home should be identifying its source ( If the smell only occurs in one room of your house, this could indicate that an issue exists with specific drains such as shower, sink or toilet drains; otherwise it could indicate larger plumbing system or sewer line issues that require attention.

Should be aware of the difference between a sewage odor and musty odor. Musty odors typically result from biofilm accumulation around a drain and can often be solved easily with drain cleaner. By contrast, sewage smells usually present an emergency-level situation and must be addressed promptly.

Water Bills

An overlooked plumbing issue can quickly escalate into a serious emergency if left unaddressed, especially if there’s a leak: even just one drop escaping each second could add up to thousands of gallons in a year and skyrocket your water bill significantly. It is crucial that if you suspect there may be leakage that you contact a professional as soon as possible so as to keep the issue from becoming worse.

An unexpected spike in your water bill could indicate an undetected leak, but there could be other explanations as well (read about here). For instance, homeowners tend to use more water during the summer due to increased sweating, children returning home early from school and gardening needs which require regular irrigation.

High water bills could also be caused by leaks in your sewage line, making repairs more challenging without professional equipment. Therefore, hiring a plumber who possesses access to professional tools as well as experience finding and fixing such leaks may help bring down costs significantly.


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