Decorating small spaces can be a challenge, but with the right approach, you can turn your compact living area into a stylish, functional, and cozy retreat. One of the best ways to elevate the look of a small space is by using wallpaper, and Cole and Son Wallpaper offers an array of stunning designs that can transform any room. Here are five amazing ways to decorate a small space, with a focus on how Cole and Son Wallpaper can make a significant impact.

1. Create an Accent Wall

An accent wall is a perfect way to introduce color, pattern, and texture into a small space without overwhelming it. By choosing a single wall to highlight, you can create a focal point that draws the eye and adds depth to the room. Cole and Son Wallpaper offers a wide variety of designs, from bold and vibrant patterns to subtle and sophisticated motifs.

For instance, the “Palm Jungle” wallpaper can bring a touch of nature indoors, making the room feel fresh and lively. Alternatively, the “Hummingbirds” design adds a whimsical touch that can brighten up any space. By selecting a pattern that complements your existing decor, you can easily create a stunning accent wall that enhances the overall aesthetic of your room.

2. Use Light Colors and Patterns

In small spaces, light colors and patterns can make a room feel larger and more open. Opt for wallpapers in soft hues and delicate designs to create a sense of airiness. Cole and Son has an excellent selection of light-colored wallpapers that can achieve this effect.

The “Petite Tile” collection, for example, features intricate patterns in pastel shades that can add a touch of elegance without overpowering the room. Another great option is the “Whimsical” collection, which includes playful yet subtle designs that can make a small space feel more inviting and cheerful.

3. Go Vertical with Stripes

Vertical stripes are a classic trick for making a room appear taller. They draw the eye upward, creating an illusion of height. Cole and Son’s “Stripes” collection offers a variety of striped wallpapers that can be used to elongate your walls and add a sense of grandeur to a small space.

Consider the “Pembroke” design, which features wide, elegant stripes that can add a sophisticated touch to any room. For a more modern look, the “Miami” stripes offer a sleek and contemporary pattern that can complement minimalist decor. Using vertical stripes can help balance the proportions of a small space, making it feel more expansive.

4. Add Texture with Faux Finishes

Texture plays a crucial role in interior design, especially in small spaces where every detail counts. Faux finish wallpapers can add depth and dimension to a room without taking up any physical space. Cole and Son’s “Faux Resource” collection includes wallpapers that mimic natural materials like marble, wood, and brick, providing a luxurious look at a fraction of the cost and effort.

The “Woods” wallpaper, for instance, brings the warmth and texture of natural wood into your home, creating a cozy and rustic atmosphere. The “Marble” design, on the other hand, adds a touch of sophistication and glamor with its realistic stone finish. These faux finishes can enhance the tactile quality of your walls, making the space feel richer and more textured.

5. Embrace Bold Patterns in Small Doses

While light colors and subtle patterns are great for small spaces, sometimes a bold pattern can make a dramatic statement. The key is to use bold patterns sparingly to avoid overwhelming the room. Cole and Son offers an array of bold and beautiful designs that can add character and personality to your space.

The “Savuti” wallpaper, with its vibrant and exotic pattern, can create a stunning feature wall that becomes the focal point of the room. Similarly, the “Nuvolette” design, with its dramatic cloudscape, can add a sense of drama and intrigue. By incorporating bold patterns in small doses, such as on one wall or in a niche, you can infuse your space with energy and excitement without compromising its openness.

Tips for Decorating with Cole and Son Wallpaper

When decorating a small space with Cole and Son Wallpaper, consider the following tips to achieve the best results:

  1. Plan Your Design: Before you start wallpapering, plan your design carefully. Choose a color scheme and pattern that complements your furniture and decor. Consider how the wallpaper will interact with natural light and the room’s layout.
  2. Measure Accurately: Accurate measurements are crucial to ensure you purchase the right amount of wallpaper. Measure your walls carefully and account for any windows, doors, and alcoves.
  3. Prep Your Walls: Proper wall preparation is essential for a smooth and lasting finish. Clean the walls thoroughly, fill any holes or cracks, and apply a primer if necessary.
  4. Use Quality Adhesive: Invest in a high-quality wallpaper adhesive to ensure the wallpaper adheres properly and lasts longer. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.
  5. Hire a Professional: If you’re unsure about your wallpapering skills, consider hiring a professional. They can ensure a flawless application and save you time and hassle.


Decorating a small space can be both challenging and rewarding. With the right approach and the stunning designs from Cole and Son Wallpaper, you can transform even the tiniest room into a stylish and comfortable haven. Whether you choose to create an accent wall, use light colors and patterns, go vertical with stripes, add texture with faux finishes, or embrace bold patterns in small doses, Cole and Son Wallpaper offers endless possibilities to elevate your small space. Explore their collections today and discover how wallpaper can make a big impact in your home.


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