Midori Architects –  Architects in Chennai

Midori Architects, spearheaded by the visionary Suraksha Acharya, stands as a paragon of sustainable architecture, shaping eco-urban spaces since its inception in 2015. The studio, rooted in Chennai, has made significant strides in advocating for greener, more sustainable design solutions.

Crafting a Greener Future: Integrating Technology and Sustainability

Midori Architects is dedicated to fusing cutting-edge technology with sustainable practices, culminating in the creation of eco-urban realms. Boasting a team of environmentalists and experts, the studio aligns its architectural projects with globally recognized sustainability standards like GBC, GRIHA, and LEED. Their relentless participation in various competitions echoes their commitment to promoting sustainable living habits.

Design Philosophy: Redefining Urban Spaces

The core design ethos of Midori Architects is to curate projects that not only prioritize energy efficiency but also offer thermal comfort for inhabitants. The team, fervently dedicated to the cause, consistently endeavors to mitigate negative environmental impacts while sculpting spaces that serve communities at large.

Embracing Environmental Harmony: A Design Approach

Midori Architects steadfastly believes in architecture that harmonizes with the environment, minimizing resource depletion. The studio’s emphasis lies in adopting measures such as natural cooling, strategic shading, and reflective surfaces, fostering a comfortable, eco-conscious living environment.

Pioneering Sustainable Practices: Suraksha Acharya’s Journey

Suraksha Acharya, the driving force behind Midori Architects, embarked on her architectural journey at the prestigious School of Architecture and Planning, Anna University, Chennai. Fascinated by the green revolution, her passion for sustainability led her to practice at T.R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn Bhd in Kuala Lumpur, working on extensive residential and commercial tower projects in Asia.

With an insatiable quest for knowledge, Suraksha pursued a Master’s in Sustainable Environmental Design from the Architectural Association, London, UK. She honed her expertise in green building certification, working with architectural firms in Singapore and India, earning accolades as a LEED® Accredited Professional and a Certified GRIHA Evaluator & Trainer.

A Visionary’s Initiative: Midori Architects

Establishing Midori Architects was a natural progression for Suraksha. Armed with a fresh, modern, and sustainable perspective, she envisioned a design firm that transcended conventional boundaries, crafting spaces that encapsulate a life well lived.

Conclusion: Shaping Tomorrow’s Urban Landscape

Midori Architects stands at the forefront of innovative, sustainable design, envisioning urban spaces that seamlessly blend technology, functionality, and environmental consciousness. Suraksha Acharya’s indomitable passion and unwavering dedication continue to propel the studio forward, fostering a legacy of sustainability and excellence.

Join Midori Architects on their journey towards sustainable urban living at www.midoriarchitects.com, where design converges with environmental stewardship, shaping a greener, more sustainable tomorrow.


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