If there is any country ahead of time for dealing with earthquakes, it is Japan. The island nation lies on the Pacific Ring of Fire, a zone where the Eurasian, Pacific, and Philippine tectonic plates are forced beneath one another, causing innumerable earthquakes. Be it the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 or the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Japan’s adoption of earthquake-proof technologies has helped the country cope with it all courageously. What can other nations learn from Japan’s experience? With resilient construction systems on the agenda worldwide, Japanese Earthquake Proof Design has a lot to teach.

Global Implications of Japanese Earthquake Proof Design - Sheet1
The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923_©Getty Images

Structural Design

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Shinjuku Mitsui Building, Tokyo, has 300-tonne pendulums on the roof. The pendulums rock back and forth during a quake which helps counteract the building’s side-to-side movement.©planradar.com

Depending on the building’s purpose, height, and location, various structural design strategies can be chalked out for earthquake-proof design. Pendulums are used at the core or roof of the building, along with installing dampers between intermediate levels for high-rise buildings. A more common system is seismic isolation, in which a building’s foundations include layers of steel and rubber that act as shock absorbers. “When the structure can absorb all the energy [from the earthquake], it will not collapse,” Sato points out. As opposed to reinforced concrete core and columns, a steel frame with the use of diagonal dampers, steel beams, and steel columns is done for better resilience. Apart from this, mesh structures help prevent the building’s support from buckling. If one part buckles, it is essential to have an adjacent part that helps stop it from bending and distributes the energy absorption.

More than these structural systems it is necessary that the design and layout of the building itself is in cohesion. “If you have each floor at the same height and all the columns on an even grid spacing, the building will perform better in an earthquake,” says Lubkowski.

The technique of seismic isolation has been observed to be employed in thousands of buildings in Japan and abroad, including Apple Inc.’s Silicon Valley headquarters. 

Global Implications of Japanese Earthquake Proof Design - Sheet3
Tokyo Skytree is designed to let strong wind pass through the gaps between trusses. At its base, rubber dampers are used to reduce movement The column moves with a time lag and reduces the vibration of the entire building by up to 50 % during an earthquake and 30% in strong winds._©Toru Hanai/Bloomberg

Building Codes and Regulations

The Japanese government introduced a series of increasingly rigorous measures to force builders to make earthquake-proof structures after WWII. Taishin mandates that to cope with shaking, beams, pillars, and walls should be of a minimum thickness. Seishin recommends that layers of thick rubber mats be placed on the ground below the foundations to absorb tremours. Menshin suggests that the building structure is isolated from the ground by lead, steel, and rubber layers that move separately with the earth below. Kenchikushi – which sets the country’s disaster management industry apart – is a legislative framework that holds licensed architect-engineers liable for building defects for ten years. Many countries, especially those in earthquake-prone areas, have incorporated similar regulations based on Japan’s standards to ensure the safety of their buildings during seismic events. Harmonising Japanese principles with local requirements can be complex and may require adaptations to align with the legal framework of the specific region.

Technology and Innovation

Global Implications of Japanese Earthquake Proof Design - Sheet4
Using Extreme Loading for Structures (ELS) software, structural engineers can perform seismic analysis so that structures are built to resist seismic events, thereby protecting the structures and their occupants_©extremeloading.com

Many new buildings in Japan have fall-away doors, which provide more ways to escape during earthquakes, and covered lights, which protect people in case light bulbs explode. They are also connected to the country’s early warning system, which alerts inhabitants of an oncoming quake. Typhoon Simulation Software, developed in coordination with Artificial Intelligence, can predict wind load and speed in two to three days, a process that may require months of wind tunnel tests and data collection. This will aid architects in factoring the data into design elements such as a building’s shape and window glass thickness. Keeping the earthquake-resilient features maintained is also essential. Plan Radar, a cloud-based app accessible on mobile and desktop, allows the building facility managers to view BIM models of the structure, recognise any areas that have been damaged or need upgrading, and keep an eye on building improvement projects.

Global Implications

Implementing Japanese earthquake-resilient principles in different contexts will allow for the transfer of knowledge and expertise. Local communities can benefit from Japan’s extensive research and experience, gaining insights into effective design strategies, construction techniques, and disaster preparedness measures. The adaptation of Japanese earthquake resilient principles offers an opportunity for professionals from different regions to come together, share their experiences, and develop innovative solutions to address the unique challenges faced by each specific context. Environmental factors, such as different soil conditions, climate patterns, and geological characteristics, must be addressed while incorporating these strategies. Implementing earthquake-resilient design principles may require specialised materials, technologies, and expertise, which could be a financial challenge for countries with limited resources. Balancing these measures’ cost-effectiveness with the desired safety level can be a significant hurdle.

These challenges can be addressed with collaboration, interdisciplinary approaches, and a deep understanding of the local context. It is crucial that countries adopt strong regulations, focus on innovation, and invest in earthquake-proof buildings. By carefully considering the opportunities and challenges, adapting and applying Japanese earthquake resilient principles effectively is possible, promoting safer built environments in diverse cultural and environmental contexts.

When Lubkowski was asked whether tomorrow’s buildings can withstand even the largest earthquakes unscathed?, he replied, Within reason, yes, such buildings should be possible. The answer lies in gradually testing all the known technologies to stabilise buildings while trialling more creative designs. Sometimes small, experimental structures – such as an elaborate polyhedral mesh designed to resist buckling at Naoshima Pavilion, Kagawa.

Naoshima Pavilion, Kagava_ ©Laurian Ghinitoiu


  1. Articles

Citations for Articles

(2022)Construction expertise from Japan: earthquake proof buildings.Available at:https://www.planradar.com/

(2019)Martha Henriques.How Japan’s skyscrapers are built to survive earthquakes.Available at:https://www.bbc.com/

(2021)Marika Katunama.What Japan’s Disaster-Proofing Strategies Can Teach the World.Available at:https://www.bloomberg.com/

(2023)Ian Shine.This is how we can make buildings earthquake-proof.Available at:https://www.weforum.org/

Citations for Images: 

1_The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923_©Getty Images

2_Shinjuku Mitsui Building, Tokyo has 300-tonne pendulums on the roof. The pendulums rock back and forth during a quake which helps counteract the building’s side-to-side movement.©planradar.com

3_Tokyo Skytree is designed to let strong wind pass through the gaps between trusses. At its base, rubber dampers are used to reduce movement The column moves with a time lag and reduces the vibration of the entire building by up to 50 % during an earthquake and 30% in strong winds._©Toru Hanai/Bloomberg

4_Using Extreme Loading for Structures (ELS) software, structural engineers can perform seismic analysis so that structures are built to resist seismic events, thereby protecting the structures and their occupants_©extremeloading.com

5_Naoshima Pavilion, Kagava_ © Laurian Ghinitoiu


Ishwari is a budding Architect who loves to explore spaces , cultures, and people. With the countless stories they express, she wishes to unfold them through her writings.