In this decade, where architecture and technology go hand in hand, it is often important to ponder what the industries, or the world for that matter, are looking for. The evolving exponential growth in technology through new applications, products, and services, continuous technology innovation, and rapidly changing economics are motivating the creation of a fundamentally new architecture for the 21st century. Now more than ever, technology is transforming every aspect of daily life, including the traditional viewpoints, methods, and architectural design principles

What is the industry looking forward to Architectural Design or Technology? - Sheet1
High angle pie chart with cities_©Image on freepik

Technological advancements in the 21st century

Just 20 years ago, getting information required visiting libraries, rummaging through old newspaper articles, and other such activities. Today, you can access all of that information with the push of a button. Technology has helped advance architecture in this way as well. Whether seeking advice on sustainable design principles or writing an essay, technology has got you covered.

There has been concrete evidence to suggest that technological innovation within the field is constantly accelerating: a few examples have been seen through Computer Aided Design (CAD), Building Information Modeling (BIM), etc. Striking benefits of technology can be seen in achieving complexities in building forms; increasing coordination amongst professionals; cost-saving design and contract methodologies; and telepresence to reduce the greenhouse gases spent on commuting geared towards sustainability

What is the industry looking forward to Architectural Design or Technology? - Sheet2
BIM Software_© Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik

Revolutionizing Design Communication

Only recently, the sole method through which specialists in the field could convey design concepts to potential clients were, at best, 2D representations and, at worst, convoluted explanations. As new technologies and processing power advance, project design models are increasingly being transformed into feasible artistic visuals. Virtual Reality (VR) tools are now used to give pre-construction building tours by placing clients in true-to-life virtual reality building models. Using augmented reality (AR) technology, architects may place their design concepts over realistic backgrounds so clients can picture the project in its real-world context.

What is the industry looking forward to Architectural Design or Technology? - Sheet3
3D Printing_©Anastasia Kazakova

Reimagining Construction

Automation of fieldwork operations is expanding the possibilities for design. In the built environment, 3D printing is becoming more generally available, affordable, and useful, easing the limitations of unique, sophisticated designs. Aside from generating furniture and interior designs, 3D printers are being utilised to construct residences, bridges, and other structures. If we can 3D-print a five-story residential complex, printing an entire city might be pretty close. The way architects plan and construct is changing due to advancements in robotic technology. Robots are replacing field employees to complete labour-intensive, hazardous, or impractical tasks. More people are using drones for delivery and surveys.

Transforming Building Performance and Function

Only recently, the sole method through which specialists in the field could convey design concepts to potential clients were, at best, 2D representations and, at worst, convoluted explanations. As new technologies and processing power advance, project design models are increasingly being transformed into feasible artistic visuals. Virtual Reality (VR) tools are now used to give pre-construction building tours by placing clients in true-to-life virtual reality building models. Using augmented reality (AR) technology, architects may place their design concepts over realistic backgrounds so clients can picture the project in its real-world context.

What is the industry looking forward to Architectural Design or Technology? - Sheet4
Transforming structures with the use of technology _© Image by fanjianhua on Freepik

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing many aspects of society, and architecture is no exception. AI software can provide easy and quick access to data, allowing architects to focus on their creative process. Smart Buildings are buildings that can be designed and built in the future. Smart buildings are becoming increasingly common due to the Internet of Things. Architects must consider user experience and incorporate sensors and devices. To be successful in the construction sector, professionals must stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends. Researching these trends and how they affect work will help them stay at the top of their game. It has become fascinating and even more vital to see that all these technologies are used in the Architecture industry. These technologies greatly expand capabilities to design and construct infrastructure.

What is the industry looking forward to Architectural Design or Technology? - Sheet5
Vertical shot of skyscrapers _©Image by wirestock on Freepik

Numerous advantages of digital technology exist in the field of architecture. As a result of technological advancements, the role of an architect has widened to encompass different sectors while maintaining its importance. Technology has enabled jobs like sustainability consultants, green architects, visualisation specialists, and building systems designers to accomplish milestones in their fields. Data and performance, coupled with intuition and creativity, may be used effectively in architectural design thanks to digital technology. This is essential to create the next generation of structures that can effectively address critical issues like sustainability, resilience, and even culture in the Global Village. Technological improvements may also make it easier for architects to market their skills. Virtual and augmented reality, two newer visualisation and graphics techniques, enhance communication and will help to bridge the gap between the two worlds.

Architects constantly strive to create the most beautiful structures, but occasionally physics and reality get in the way of their aspirations. But with the implementation of new technologies, we will start seeing new building trends that we couldn’t previously imagine.


  • Senibi, J. (2019). The Role of Technology in the Architecture of the 21st Century. [online] Medium. Available at:
  • (n.d.). How Tech Is Changing The Architecture Industry In 2021. [online] Available at:–2021-01-07 [Accessed 15 Jun. 2023].
  • (n.d.). Chicago Architecture Center. [online] Available at:
  • Editor, A.T. (2018). Technology in Architecture. [online] Architecture Today. Available at:

Mayusha is a student of architecture, hailing from Kerala.With a deep appreciation for the art of architecture and a love for storytelling she wishes to bridge the gap between the technical aspects of architecture and the power of the written word.