For hundreds of years, humans have been hunting, gathering, and living together in groups. Our development as humans has evolved from being hunter-gatherers into city dwellers, undergoing a significant process of evolution including advancements in our urban design and planning. Prior to developers converting our land into residential areas, we were more engaged in shaping our cities. One way to influence our cities was by directly involving neighborhood residents in land use planning, blending their local knowledge and information with the technical expertise of urban planners and designers.

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From ancient civilization all over the world, emerge a highly organized center of population greater and of more importance than town or village. When the development of agricultural techniques provided surplus crop large enough to sustain a permanent population, the first cities emerged somewhere during the Neolithic Period. These cities appeared in sites of early civilization such as the Nile valley, the Indus valley and the Wei River Valley. Even though ancient civilization was the first observed city, ancient Greece are the first civilization creating a city-state, that led to emergence of Roman Empire as well as the medieval Italian trading centers of Venice, Genoa and Florence

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Urban Design Concept_© Hello Lamp Post

Following the Middle Ages cities progressively fell under the governance of centralized authorities and began to serve the interests of nation-states. The urbanization process was significantly hastened by the Industrial Revolution, reshaping city life in the Western world. Factory cities expanded swiftly in regions like England, northwestern Europe, and the northeastern United States. Around the mid-20th century, cities became a commonplace sight worldwide, housing 30-60% of a nation’s population in their major urban hubs. The advent of automobiles prompted the emergence of suburbs and urban sprawl in developed nations, although around the onset of the 21st century, numerous cities entered a phase of revival and rejuvenation, despite the aging of factories, offices, and residential areas.

Over time and amidst a significant shift in the political climate, we have progressed from an era of empire and dictatorship into a more democratic society. We participate in the election of our leaders, typically based on their policies, which we believe will lead to the optimal version of our society. However, our involvement in shaping our living environment is limited. Land use planning continues to be outsourced to urban planners and designers. While not inherently detrimental, this practice erodes local culture, disconnects from local knowledge, and stifles the aspirations of those who have resided in the area for generations. By leveraging technical expertise alongside local insights as the foundation for the plan, the city can be rendered more habitable. Moreover, through the engagement of the local community, a heightened sense of belonging emerges, naturally fostering conservation and active participation.

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Participatory urban planning_© Hello Lamp Post 1.

There are several steps involved in engaging local citizens in urban design and planning. Firstly, it is essential to represent all affected parties right from the outset. This entails including individuals of all ages and ethnicities, forming a representative cross-section of the population. The second step is transparency, ensuring that everyone participating in the process has equitable and unrestricted access to information. Furnishing each group with comprehensive information is vital for cultivating trust among planners, citizens, and stakeholders. The final step involves fostering creativity and encouraging the sharing of ideas. Human-centric design necessitates an open and collaborative dialogue involving governments, planners, and citizens. Embracing new modes of thought should be actively promoted, enabling developers to tap into the insights of citizens and engender innovative and progressive developments.

In conclusion, the trajectory of human history has witnessed an extraordinary evolution from early hunter-gatherer societies to the sprawling urban landscapes of today. Our transition from shaping cities through communal efforts to modern urban design has been a dynamic process, shaped by the interplay of culture, politics, and technology. The significance of public participation in this journey cannot be overstated – from ancient civilizations to the modern era, the input of local residents has been pivotal in creating cities that harmonize tradition with innovation. As we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, the imperative of involving citizens in urban design and planning remains clear. By fostering collaboration between technical experts and local communities, we can create cities that are not only functional and efficient but also reflective of the diverse tapestry of human experience. In this way, we can forge a path towards urban environments that inspire connection, sustainability, and a shared sense of pride, ensuring a brighter and more inclusive future for generations to come.

Citation : 

  1. Smith, M. E., & Lobo, J. (2019). “The Architecture of Complexity: From the Ancient Maya to the World Wide Web.” Frontiers in Digital Humanities, 6, Article 12. Retrieved from
  2. Clark, G. (2016). “How Cities Took Over the World: A History of Globalisation Spanning 4,000 Years.” The Guardian. Retrieved from
  3. Elis, C. (2016). “History Of Cities And City Planning.” Retrieved from
  4. Mumford, L. (Year). “Summary of City.” Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
  5. Hello Lamp Post Team. (n.d.). “The Importance of Public Participation in Urban Planning.” Hello Lamp Post. Retrieved from

Miellyttävä Kuu is an aspiring architect with a formal education background of interior design. She lives in a magical place with hundreds of island, beautiful blue vast ocean and tropical rainforest, that is why she loves green architecture and biophilic design, she was born in it.