Archaeological Treasures of London: Stone Age and Introduction Origin of Human History

Treasures and treasures all around, London, the capital of England and the United Kingdom, it is a 21st-century city with a history back to Roman times. Unlike the Romans has always been known for its royal ornamental designs and massive architectural buildings. London is left with more treasures than just what the Romans left behind in their legacy. The Stone Age is one of the archeological treasures of London and yet another jewel to the country to its list of Archaeological treasures, It is also known as Stonehenge which has a vast indication of human existence, the Stone Age stands for its initial period which is further detailed description about the very existence of human life. Including a great period, from about 3.4 million years ago to around 2000 BCE, the Stone Age is a head divided into three individual ages namely the Paleolithic, the Mesolithic, and the Neolithic. These three stages have given the evolution of ancestors from using primary tool users to becoming the architects of settled communities and designing. 

Museums of the World The London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre-Sheet1
Stonehenge_© Photo by NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Stone Speaks: Stone Age Wonders Uncovered

The importance of archaeology is important to understand the human past. It is like a mystery to resolve. Unlike many archaeological sites, London is a hub with a lot of treasures including archaeological sites that helped to understand human existence and how the architecture has been built which seems alien to now but has been a great source of how the ancestors’ humans have understood and lived. It is an artifact to be called in simple words. 

An artifact for nature to explore and live together and not just to be on display in a museum. 

The Stone Age is the first period in the three-age which has been used in the archaeology period to divide the timeline of human technology to identify its prehistory into practical periods, with the following two being the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, respectively. 

Going ahead into exploring the journey to the archeological treasures of London, the Stone Age has its unique secrets to unlock from our ancient past. The time was different from what it is now, the sources were different from what we have now, the mode of survival was different from what now we have, and the entire life cycle with 360-degree change to now. Archeological sites such as the Stone Age are from the era where survival was a challenge and innovation was the key to survival in the ever-changing situation and environment.  

Museums of the World The London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre-Sheet2
Stonehenge_© Photo Avebury and associated sites (United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) UNESCO
Museums of the World The London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre-Sheet3
Aerial View_ © Gavin Hellier/robertharding via Getty Images)

A moment to appreciate

Stonehenge was built in numerous stages. It is one of the truly remarkable archeological treasures of London, yet one of the most impressive megalithic monuments in the world on Mother Earth. It is located at Salisbury Plain in southern England in a sacred landscape surrounded by the beauty of its best. It is mystic to know these massive stones are at the site of observation and give an explosion to the idea of the complications of its built, placement. It is located in a magnificent focal point of the landscape, lying at the center of a wonderfully rich archaeological landscape. In addition, a series of 56 holes — known as “Aubrey holes” after their 18th-century suggested by one of the discoverers named John Aubrey. Along with this, one of the proverbs “The beauty is in the eye of the Beholder” and Stonehenge is a perfect example to glorify the beauty of human existence the sophistication of its concentric plan and architectural design, the natural color of the stones, and the organic shaping of the stones- uniquely using both Wiltshire Sarsen sandstone and Pembroke Bluestone – and the precision with which it was built. 

Museums of the World The London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre-Sheet4
Stonehenge Plan_ © Timothy Darvill via livescience.stonehenge-england-ancient-history)


The “henge” lies at the axis of half the Stonehenge, the study has been provided by the Avebury and Associated Sites inscribed as World Heritage which has been working on the sites. Significantly the weights that have been further discovered from the bigger stones to smaller stones have a wide range of differences that have been measured and elaborated. The bigger stone is approximately 25 tons on average and has been brought from Marlborough Downs, 20 miles away according to the study provided by English Heritage an organization that oversees Stonehenge. The smaller stones, referred to as “bluestones” since they have a bluish tint on them, thus weigh between 2 and 5 tons each, according to the data provided by the English Heritage. Scientists are still skeptical about the fact that how these heavy stones of weight 25 tons to 5 tons have been moved and placed in such a circular shape. The discovery and secrets behind the placement it yet to be resolved and It’s unknown how people at the time what technique was used by the prehistoric builders is uncertain. 

In conclusion, the Stone Age one of the Archaeological treasures from London is worth visiting, and the mystery unresolved.  


For example:

World Heritage Center, Page/s. Available at: URL. [Accessed: -02 Feb 2024].

Live Science Page/s. Available at: URL. [Accessed: 4 Feb 2024] 
