Architecture Jobs:

As an Architect, one can apply for a job in Architecture firms, Builders or developer firms and the government. Transitioning from a student to a junior architect is a life-changing experience. An architecture student can make mistakes and errors under the roof of an educational institution. However, the margin of error in jobs is very narrow. Architects are supposed to design a tangible service; an error can prove costly. Initially, there may be less responsibility on junior architects in bigger firms but as time passes, the scope of making mistakes keeps reducing. Working in an office is very different from academics as the workflow, coordination, technicalities, practicality, and many other aspects of design change drastically.

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Hand Drafting_© Architecture Ideas

The Reality:

Having an architecture firm of your own is probably every architect’s dream. Architecture is different from other professional courses. It is a mixture of art, science and commerce, hence, Architects constantly need to work on something unique or different to sustain in the industry. Multiple innovations and design options are being introduced and the users have free access to all these ideas on social media. In this competitive market, it becomes difficult for any new architect to sustain in the long run. There are multiple questions like ‘how to get clients?’, ‘what fee should be charged?’, ‘how to set up a team that works for or with you?’ and more. The reality is that despite the high demand for architects and new architects entering the industry also matching the requirements, the user tends to trust experienced architects over new practices.

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An Architecture Firm_© Architectural Record

Start Points:

To fulfil the dream of starting your practice as an architect, prior experience is a key requirement. Any builder, developer or homeowner would like to work with someone experienced. Unfortunately, your degree experience is not considered by the users when it comes to practically executing a project. Architects must get job experience that would not only positively reflect in their portfolios, but also help them understand the ground reality in a better way. All job experiences are different, so it is very subjective when to stop. A valid answer to this question could be that when you feel confident enough to execute a project efficiently, you may start preparing to set up your practice. Another solution could be to start small. Working on small projects could be helpful as they pose a minimum risk and making changes is possible. This solution is however subjective as it requires good connections in the industry to get clients for your practice.

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The Boon and Bane:

When you start your Architecture Practice, you get to make the decisions instead of following someone else’s. This is a boon and a bane since the entire responsibility of that decision will be on you. One needs to be confident to justify choices in an Architecture Project. Under an architecture firm, architects do not have to worry about getting projects or clients. In an Individual practice, Architects need to learn good networking skills to meet new people and get new projects. Starting an architecture practice will require good leadership skills. The workload will increase significantly compared to a job, but in the end, a completed project will be extremely satisfying. Technically architects can work with a minimum investment in a laptop, but they may require a decent investment to set up a studio. An office space, visiting cards, branding and logos, portfolio, website and other marketing-based investments might be required.

Current Scenario:

With the growing use of social media, architects and their clients are well-equipped with design ideas and suggestions. Sadly, many architects opt for shortcuts by copying design ideas and presenting them as their own. The current scenario lacks creativity and originality in Architecture. Designers fail to realise when and where to stop. They are not able to differentiate between inspiration and copy. This may work for architects initially, but they will not sustain it in the long run. This lack of originality has led to a deterioration in the value of architects.

Setting Up:

Setting up an Architecture Practice is a mixture of Risk and Confidence. Architects must be extremely patient since they may get very little work initially. First and foremost, architects must realise how their work is different compared to other architectural practices. Having a speciality and originality is important. Many new Architects cannot sustain themselves in the industry because of a lack of creativity and originality. Being at your creative best and also convincing your clients to have faith in your designs will be a big challenge.

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Setting up an Architecture Practice_© Career Addict

Secondly, to set up an architectural practice, prior preparation is important. Having a logo for your practice, having a name for your firm, and having a strong work portfolio increase the probability of getting projects. No work is small. Architects will get approached for the smallest of projects. Architects will also be highly undervalued or not awarded a project even after working hard on the designs. One needs to realise, all this is a part of the process. To set up an architectural practice, one must be confident through all these ups and downs.


  • There are no references to this article. This article is based on personal experiences.

Rushabh is an Architect based in Mumbai. After getting a job experience of 3 years, he has established his own practice under the name, RAW Studios. He also runs an instagram page regarding the ongoing trends, changes and issues in Architecture. Rushabh, with the help of his profession, believes that he can make the world a better place for the user.