Psychology is intimately linked to cultural backgrounds, artistic expression, and architecture. The effective application of many creative elements such as color, space, and size may brighten the environment. For example, a room with white walls helps us feel lighter and brighter, making it more joyful to be within.

Architectural psychology can be defined as a subfield within environmental or sustainable psychology.  It is the interplay between humans with their surroundings.  This encompasses spatial cognition, directional conduct, living needs, and contentment. When used properly, architecture creates a sense of space and supports all forms of human activity, as well as firmness, assistance, and joy. Architecture is a form of human expression that captures the essence of the collaborative or particular creator. 

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The psychology between architecture and our thinking _© José Hevia

Pychology is essential in architecture

Structures are more than simply brick and mortar. Squeezed workplaces might make individuals uncomfortable and ineffective, but light surroundings can improve overall attention and productivity. Architectural psychology helps us explore the relationship between architecture and our thinking. This enables architects to build for our wants, not simply according to our physical requirements.

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Human-centered Designs _© Quang Tran

Developing Around Individuals (Human-centered Designs): This entails putting users in mind first. Architects examine how simple it is to navigate, how pleasant a place is, and if it satisfies people’s daily requirements. They go further than the necessities by providing amenities that make people happy, such as natural light, comfortable seats, and quiet spots to unwind.

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Open floor layouts _© Lara Swimmer

Place and How People View Everything (Spatial Perception): How we see space has a direct impact on our behavior. Open floor layouts may make you feel liberated and sociable, but closed-in environments might make you feel lonely or anxious. Understanding these impacts enables architects to create spaces that promote pleasant interactions while reducing negative feelings.

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Direct impact on behavior _© Aiterra

Ecology and Our Structures (Environmental Psychology): We are all connected to nature. The biophilic design uses natural components like plants, wood, and even water features to create relaxing and healing settings. 

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Environmental Psychology_© Justin Sebastian

Architects may employ a variety of architectural features to impact how people experience space:

Color Psychology: Colors have a significant influence on mood and behavior. Warm colors like red may stimulate you, whilst cold hues like blue can relax you. Architects employ color deliberately to establish the ideal psychological mood in a room. For example, blue tones in a bedroom can promote calm and better sleep, but brilliant yellows in a kitchen might foster social engagement and preparing meals.

Color Psychology in Architecture and Interior Design _©Alma de Luce

Light and Shadow: Natural light is essential for managing the cycle of sleep-wake, increasing state of mind, and enhancing cognitive performance. Architects utilize skylights, big windows, and light wells to optimize natural light, resulting in bright and stimulating spaces. They also employ light and shadow to create different moods – soft lighting for a relaxing atmosphere and brilliant light for an energetic one.

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Light and Shadow _©Creative Boom

Cultural Considerations

The cultural heritage influences your ability to see space. Architects that consider cultural context guarantee that their designs resonate with their clients. This might entail using local customs, materials, and architectural features to create environments that are both culturally and spiritually significant. 

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Cultural Architecture Buildings  _©ArchEyes

Sustainable design

Using environmentally friendly supplies and energy-efficient technology may alleviate stress while also instilling a feeling of environmental responsibility. Furthermore, environmentally friendly designs offer comfortable interior environments with adequate ventilation and temperature management, which contributes to occupant well-being. 

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Sustainable design _©Biofilico

Sustainable methods include employing recycled materials, reducing energy use through ventilation from the outdoors and lighting, and providing places that link residents to the outside world through courtyards, rooftop gardens, or enormous windows with views of the environment.

Future of Architectural Psychology

The continuing use of psychological factors in the design of architecture is critical to its future success. Innovations in virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) will enable architects to model and optimize the psychological impact of their ideas before implementation. This guarantees that areas are visually appealing and promotes our mental wellness. Virtual reality (VR) experiences enable people to virtually explore an area and offer vital input on how it affects them emotionally.

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A12742-Incorporating Human Psychology into Future of Architectural Psychology _©Strang, Inc.Design

How psychology is used in architectural design:

Psychologically built homes promote comfort, functionality, and emotional well-being. 

Offices now feature ergonomic furniture that promotes good posture and reduces muscle strain. They also use smart color schemes to create focused work areas and vibrant collaborative spaces. Considerate acoustics to reduce noise distractions all help to create a work environment that promotes mental health and job happiness.

Schools: Classrooms constructed with psychology in mind can improve learning and student participation. 

Hospitals and healthcare facilities can greatly benefit from applying architectural psychology to create a more healing environment. 

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The Psychology of Engaging Office Design _©Amazing Architecture

Outdoor and open spaces are broad terms that encompass a variety of places of residence. It is critical to understand that the psychological considerations of residents’ use of outdoor and open spaces in private places, such as residences and homes, differ from those in public settings. Aesthetics are important in the emotional happiness of consumers and inhabitants when it comes to architecture and interior design.

The successful design for achieving welfare and happiness in interior architecture is determined by the designer’s ability to strike a balance between the most dominant factors, such as identity, privacy, safety, accessibility, functionality, flexibility, community interaction, and the provision of adequate space. 


Shadow Spaces: Miniature Architecture Crafted from Paper Looks like Real Buildings (2017) available from <>

Tourinho, H. (2024) Balancing Function and Aesthetics: Incorporating Natural Light and Ventilation in Facades [online] available from <>

Architectural Psychology: How Design Influences Human Behavior and Well-Being (n.d.) available from <>


Eob (2023) The Power of Architectural Psychology | Truehome Design Build [online] available from <>

Kaarwan, T. (n.d.) Integrating Psychology into Architectural Design [online] available from <>


Isha Chaudhary is an architect who combines her technical expertise with a deep understanding of human behavior and emotions to create spaces that resonate with users. Beyond her design work, she is an avid architecture writer who uses her words to convey the thoughts and intentions behind her designs. Through her writings, she shares insights into her creative process, inviting readers into the world of architecture and design. She believes that architecture is not just about buildings; it's about the stories they tell and the emotions they evoke.