From the time when life started on the planet till today, the only phenomenon that is unceasing is development. We go through the process perpetually with or without awareness in both tangible and intangible ways. Often, it becomes a debate whether the development is a boon or bane without knowing the fact that nothing stops the process. Apparently, development is the path to betterment from the current stage but the methodology and perception matters.

In architecture, the term development is directly related to buildings, unfortunately. Building structures alone do not contribute to development. Since architecture is a broad spectrum, it would be appropriate to consider concepts, perceptions, and approaches in place of development. Intrinsically, the whole point of progress aims at the betterment of life on earth. It is critical to understand the relationship between life and architecture, to make the term development a holistic process. For centuries of time, architecture has deliberately served the needs of mankind. The process of development and its expression has been recorded clearly through the lens of architecture. Ranging from rural streetscapes to skylines filled with skyscrapers, the progress has taken life forward in many aspects. The future probabilities are assumed based on erstwhile events and present-day needs.  

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Need for development

Architecture is a keystone holding the values, memories, and hope of life in this dynamic world. The evolution of architecture explicitly implies the evolving social demands and technical innovation. Inevitably our world is redefined by distinctive and creative architectural design.

In the near future, it is suspected to have different dimensions embodying the universal design factors, incorporating nature with community-centric designs. With a growing population, the need for proper shelter is essential. Population has tremendously affected the pattern of design from horizontal to vertical community. The challenge of design has also evolved and has to face the imperatives of urbanisation, environmental issues, and population density.

In the era of technology, it might look simple to crack the challenges, but the outcome should not only favour one community but also be safe for the whole ecosystem. The term life refers to each and every living being on earth, not only human beings. Mother Earth has always been generous to us, providing us with all the resources. Using those resources in an efficient way would be the minimum effort taken from our side. In the construction industry, we see innovation reaching heights, but have we ever thought about the effects on the environment?

Sustainability in Architecture

In this ever-evolving world of challenges comes the concept of sustainability as a saviour. It is intriguing that for a very long time, sustainability has been an underlying factor practised commonly. From the beginning, management of resources, making use of locally available materials, and building durable structures were followed in a habitual way. Then life happened along with the environment. Now sustainability has become like an added service opted only based on priorities. We can see an increased awareness spread among people, but finding it difficult to access. So it is in the hands of architects to upskill the knowledge and awareness of the public. 

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Sustainability generally refers to the management of resources in order that future generations are able to meet their needs. In architecture, it transforms into creating a healthy environment for the whole ecosystem, evading the negative impact on the surroundings. It puts pressure on architects to create smart designs and make effective use of existing technology to guarantee that buildings have as little negative impacts on the environment and local populations as possible. Sustainability in construction starts from the use of materials, construction techniques, and design to make the structure efficient. 

Futuristic approach

Since the urban areas are expanding, it does not mean that the earth itself is expanding. The creation of new habitats for our populations continually depletes a significant portion of our natural resources, which has a profound effect on the environment. The Earth is not a never-ending supply that can keep up with the rate of modernisation. In the near future, demand for resources might increase and it is the responsibility of current generations to find alternatives. Whether used in new construction or renovations, sustainable design has benefits for the environment, the economy, and society.

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So development is an inevitable process required for overall growth. At the same time, development should be a wholesome process embodying the ecosystem. Focussing on the minimal human impact on the environment, sustainable architecture should also integrate buildings with the surrounding landscape. Furthermore, considering the condition of the earth today, a lot of experts think the idea of sustainability is out of date. Regenerative architecture and design, on the other hand, is a far more progressive holistic approach that emphasises utilising the natural resources of the planet to create structures and systems that are capable of self-regenerating and completely disintegrating after they have served their purpose.  



Sandhya is a dynamic and passionate architect who is also interested in art, music, and movies. As a designer, she endeavors to transform spaces into enduring experience and the same goes with writing. She believes architecture is a perception of life that has the potential to shape one’s mind and thinking. Through the process of writing, she wants to express her impression of architecture in the form of words.