Changing Perception | Universal Design

Humans have been unaware of many realities for a longer period. Through measures and experiences, such things became familiar with these. Many factors were neglected for generations without realizing their adverse effects. Society was divided based on occupations, and humans were valued based on their labour capacity. The world is dominated by straight facts and not by sensitivity. Such behaviour was passed on to generations until revolutions occurred, and the economic shift changed all the parameters. Time and course of action were responsible for the shift in the perception of humankind

Universal Design: Myth or Reality? - Sheet1
ecosystem_©Hannah largen
Universal Design: Myth or Reality? - Sheet2
perception_©Crista Keizer

Human worth used to be measured on the labour scale and their strength only, as women were judged based on their childbearing capacity and production of healthy generations. These criteria were met once the person was in their best health. Not only physical health as their life expectancy but their physical abilities as well. If a child lacks in performing such tasks, they were outcast from society. The hint of sensitivity was missing at the time, as it is now as well in some parts. Realizing nature as a valid factor in this and looking forward to the solution was the overlooked agenda of the times. 

In later times with strong voices raised in support of the specials and people being made aware of the reality, the tables were turned. This spread of awareness in 1990 became the start of a better future. The importance of inclusiveness in lifestyle, an adaption of various groups of society, and combining all as one strength with equality became the new face of architecture. Universal design was further explored in various fields based on the needs of time and state. 

Universal Design: Myth or Reality? - Sheet3

Designing from the point of view of the whole of mankind is called universal design. And not based on the parts and divisions which we have divided. Building and designing beyond all the differences and plotting for every last person on the earth will result in a universal design approach. As the name suggests, it must not be taken as a different approach but as the only approach to building. Accepting the fact of late realization and implementation, the pace of its incorporation must be higher than is observed. This issue must be duly noticed, and made appropriate changes for the following. 

Cultivating the next generation with this inbuilt sensitivity towards the issues and concerns will build a more accepting ecosystem. Rooting this in the younger population will need a batch of such aware faculties and supporting study material. This one initiative will automatically engage three different sections of the system in a single course. The resultant benefits will be shared by all. Instead of dwelling on the events which took place in the past and the deficiency of initiative, one must step forward with multiple creativities to ensure a steady pace. This awareness is mandatory in designing fields such as architecture and product design and must be introduced in elementary years only. Children must develop an attitude of accepting each part of society and move ahead along with all rather than a selective mindset. 

Universal Design: Myth or Reality? - Sheet4
rooting in children_©Matt May

Research and voices have been raised to fight this dilemma for many years now, and there is still a need for more. This clearly states that people have not yet completely accepted the facts and still adjusting the process. With new online platforms providing each till the last person is not used in spreading and sharing healthy and needful knowledge. Advanced technology is benefiting humans by making life easier, but is it working equally for all? The media and advertising industry is the most impactful domain of the century, and yet not getting sufficiently used for world causes.

Injury, accident, or handicap physic are all part of nature and must be accepted with blind eyes as equal. Instead of clubbing them all differently, one must go out of line and bring them close to society with a creative mindset. Bring out the joy in design, which will be enjoyed by all and make it easier for the differently abled. Such an important concern has been neglected over the years and must be pulled into the spotlight soon. Expressing thoughts on various platforms and reaching up to the maximum strength will result in small changes in public mindsets, Proceeding into better-disciplined thoughts of a new era. 

Healthy Attitude_©Level Acess

Rather than debating the existence of universal design in terms of myth or reality, it must be considered the factual condition in front of the human race. Universal design must not be looked at as a problem to solve but as a part of the living style to be adapted. Slowly and steadily, it is progressing, but a boost is necessary in today’s world. Being part of it and involved in its growth must be viewed as a journey to enjoy and a lesson to learn. 


1-     Inclusive design is integral to building better digital experiences, Oct 2021. Available on –

2-  History of Universal Design. Available at-,design%20is%20an%20add%2Don.


Bhakti is in her last year of B.Arch. Having a keen interest in scopes of print media; She is exploring the communicative branches of architecture through various mediums. She enjoys experimenting with intangible interpretations of the relationship between space and people, moving beyond the tangible features of Architecture.