Situated in the heart of Beijing’s historic Xidan area, this project represents a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, paying homage to the area’s rich heritage while offering a glimpse into the future of retail design.

Project Name: HEYTEA Xidan Store
Studio Name: Q&A Studio
Design team: Gianmaria Quarta, Michele Armando, Lorenzo Trucato, Xinyi You
Client: Shenzhen Meixixi Food and Beverage Management Co., Ltd.
Location: Beijing (China)
Built area: 47 sqm
Completion: January 2024
Photographer: provided by HeyTea team

HEYTEA Xidan Store by Q&A Studio-Sheet1
©provided by HeyTea team

Xidan’s illustrious history, dating back to the Ming Dynasty, provides a compelling backdrop for the project.

Once a bustling hub for goods transportation and vibrant marketplaces, Xidan’s urban grid continues to define its unique character.

Drawing inspiration from this distinctive layout, the facade panels of “Tea City” are strategically positioned to mimic the intricate network of streets and alleyways, creating a visually striking display that seamlessly integrates with the surrounding architectural landscape.

HEYTEA Xidan Store by Q&A Studio-Sheet2
©provided by HeyTea team

At the heart of the design concept lies the innovative use of recycled tea leaves, a testament to both sustainability and the area’s deep-rooted tea culture.

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, these eco-friendly panels not only evoke the
essence of Xidan’s heritage but also engage the senses, emitting the soothing aroma of tea as visitors approach the window store. This sensory experience serves as a subtle reminder of the tranquility that awaits within—a brief respite from the chaos of urban life.

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©provided by HeyTea team

“Tea City” transcends the traditional confines of a retail space, morphing into an unofficial market architectural installation. Its dynamic design invites visitors to immerse themselves in a world where past and present converge, where fleeting moments give way to lasting connections. Here, customers are not merely patrons; they are participants in a shared experience—a celebration of community and culture.

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©provided by HeyTea team

As patrons step through the doors of Hey Tea’s Xidan store, they are greeted not only by
the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed tea but also by the promise of a fleeting moment of
tranquility—a sanctuary amidst the chaos, a haven for the soul.


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