In Missouri, near the town of Conway decided to build a fragment of the highway, paved photovoltaic panels. Experiment hold on the segment passing through the territory of the state of the site of the former Meso-American highway – Highway 66.

Road To The Future - A Road With Solar Panels - Sheet1

Hexagonal solar cells will produce electricity for the LED to replace a conventional road marking paint. Because LEDs also make a temporary speed limit signs and other placards traffic police.

In addition, the road is planned to equip the panel heating elements, which will be able to melt ice and snow. This should reduce the track maintenance costs.

Road To The Future - A Road With Solar Panels - Sheet2

The Department of Transport is not willing to put its own money in this experimentexpects to Missouri on experimental extension, but not ready to invest in his own means.Therefore, the money in the framework of the project “Road to the Future” in the department plan to collect by means of crowdfunding.


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