UNStudio, founded by renowned architects Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, is the epicentre of architectural innovation and design excellence. Their work encapsulates a visionary approach combining cutting-edge technology, sustainability, and human experience. From iconic structures to urban interventions, UNStudio’s creations challenge conventions, push boundaries and redefine the built environment. Their dedication to revolutionary design has left a permanent imprint on the built environment and will undoubtedly influence the direction of architecture.

UNStudio’s approach to the design and planning of urban spaces goes beyond mere functionality. They view urban environments as dynamic ecosystems that shape and are shaped by the people who inhabit them. With a deep understanding of the social, cultural, and economic dynamics at play, UNStudio’s design philosophy strives to create spaces that not only meet the practical needs of the community but also foster a sense of identity, belonging, and inspiration.

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Blending creativity and Innovation through various scales_©UNStudio

Initiating Urban Transformations: The 3 key aspects

One key aspect of UNStudio’s approach is its focus on human-centric design. They place people at the centre of their urban interventions, prioritising their well-being, comfort, and connectivity. By conducting thorough research and engaging with local communities, UNStudio gains valuable insights into the unique needs and aspirations of the inhabitants. This user-centred approach allows them to create spaces that respond to the desires and aspirations of the people, promoting a sense of ownership, incrementality and pride in the urban environment. Along with this, people are constantly engaging more with design when it suits their needs. 

UNStudio also embraces the concept of placemaking, which involves the creation of distinctive, memorable, and inclusive public spaces. These spaces catalyse social interaction, cultural exchange, and community engagement. By considering the scale, proportions, and functions of these spaces, UNStudio designs environments that encourage people to gather, connect, and share experiences. This approach revitalizes urban areas, transforming them into vibrant and thriving hubs of activity.

Furthermore, their design and planning approach also pays close attention to the contextual integration of their projects. They believe that architecture should respect and respond to the existing fabric of the city, embracing the history, culture, and natural surroundings. By taking cues from the context, they ensure that their urban interventions harmonise with the existing urban landscape, creating a cohesive and seamless integration that respects the identity and character of the place.

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a design constantly evolving, Hyperedge_© UNStudio

Hyper-edge: Redefining Urban Dynamics

The Idea of Hyper-edge tackles this unique context of Amsterdamse Bos and Schiphol Airport, proposing a meandering building/path that seamlessly integrates with the surrounding environment, creating a harmonious connection between the city, the landscape, and the people who inhabit it. By thoughtfully embracing the natural features and limitations of the site, UNStudio crafts a design that respects the boundaries while offering new possibilities for both human activities and the preservation of nature. 

This innovative approach transcends the conventional understanding of urban development, introducing a symbiotic relationship between the built environment and the natural world. The meandering building/path becomes a conduit, enabling the flow of movement and experiences, blurring the boundaries between urban and rural, and redefining the notion of connectivity within the urban fabric.

By embracing this frayed edge, UNStudio not only addresses the constraints imposed by the airport but also transforms them into opportunities for creative design solutions. The proposed intervention acts as a mediator, bridging the gap between the city and its surrounding landscapes, and fostering a sense of integration and harmony. It is a testament to the firm’s ability to envision and create spaces that transcend traditional notions of urban planning, offering a new paradigm for sustainable development in unique and challenging contexts.

Through Hyper-edge, the UNStudio creates an adaptable infrastructure that fosters a sense of community, encourages collaboration and enhances urban living and negotiating with the cityscape.

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a diverse city park Hyperedge_© UNStudio

Paradoxical Essence of Hyper-edge

The presence of Schiphol Airport creates a distinct urban paradox in the southwest region of Amsterdam. This unique condition results from airport-related pollution, restrictions and safety concerns, which prevent the area from developing into a conventional urban setting. Certain activities, including residential dwellings, are rigorously prohibited within the airport’s noise radius. However, UNStudio sees Schiphol Airport as a catalyst for preserving and capitalising on the region’s greatest asset: its expansive open spaces.

The proposal by UNStudio incorporates the paradoxical relationship between the “nuisance” contours of the airport and the preservation of the urban periphery. Instead of perceiving the airport as a detriment to the area’s inherent quality – its abundance of open space – it becomes a crucial factor in preserving this quality. By strategically leveraging this paradox, UNStudio’s design intends to protect and exploit the unique benefits of this captivating urban periphery, ensuring that it remains an integral part of the city’s fabric without undergoing total transformation or disappearance.

With the proposal of the building/path, they try to create a community space for different areas on both sides of the city’s edge. City is divided into human-sized sections where the main focus is on recreation, collaboration and inclusivity rather than dividing it into inhuman dimensions and forcing people to adapt. 

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building path, Hyperedge © UNStudio

Empowering customisation and minimalism 

The Hyper-Edge concept offers a visionary approach to the fringe area, unlocking its untapped potential for economic growth and creative collaboration. By embracing a continuous building/path design, Hyper-Edge minimises intervention while maximising positive impacts on the area’s economic and recreational value. It becomes a haven for elements that struggle to find a place within the city, providing a customisable environment where artists, makers, and diverse activities can flourish. This adaptability fosters a people-centric space that encourages innovation, cultural exchange, and community engagement, promoting a harmonious coexistence with the environment.

What sets Hyper-Edge apart is its ability to accommodate many uses and respond to the dynamic nature of the city. From vibrant artistic installations to temporary pop-up shops and communal gathering spaces, the concept offers flexibility and customisation, enhancing the overall user experience. This not only contributes to economic growth, tourism, and cultural enrichment but also celebrates the emergence of diverse narratives shaped by the interactions between people and their activities. Hyper-Edge embraces the principle of making things possible, enabling the realization of collective aspirations while preserving the inherent qualities of the site. It stands as an open-ended and adaptable urban structure that celebrates the creativity and vitality of its inhabitants.

Minimalistic approach and maximum effect, Hyperedge_© UNStudio


HyperEdge represents the broader body of work by UNStudio, which consistently pushes the boundaries of architecture, engineering, and urban planning. Their projects, characterised by visionary concepts, innovative use of materials, and attention to detail, have impacted cities worldwide. With its bold and forward-thinking approach, UNStudio has successfully reimagined urban spaces, challenging traditional norms and fostering a new era of sustainable and inclusive design. The HyperEdge concept serves as a testament to their commitment to creating spaces that not only enhance the quality of life for inhabitants but also contribute to the overall vitality and richness of cities.

As we look to the future, it is evident that UNStudio’s influence will continue to shape the urban landscape, inspiring architects, planners, and designers to push the boundaries of what is possible. With their emphasis on human experiences, adaptability, and innovation, UNStudio’s work serves as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us of the transformative power of architecture and its ability to shape how we live, interact, and experience our cities.


  1. Berkel, B. van and Veen, M. van (no date) Hyperedge Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2020, UNStudio. Available at: https://www.unstudio.com/en/page/14750/hyperedge (Accessed: 24 May 2023). 

Aayushi is an Architect and a city explorer, who believes Form follows madness. Madness to curate the space, to make it more efficient, engineering each and every detail and madness that can’t be cured. She believes, If you can think it, you can build it. She believes Architecture is a constant process, where you have to Learn, Unlearn and let go of a few things. Imperfection is fine.