A beauty tucked right in a country that is known for its architecture and art, a space carefully articulated to incorporate every element of nature. Gardens have been popular for ages and are known to be one of the best ways to destress and unwind at the end of a busy day. Chinese gardens in particular are quite elegant and have a beautiful blend of art and nature. The Dongguan Garden residence is one such example in Yangzhou, China an artistic blend amidst the essence of nature. The project focuses on the restoration of historic gardens that captivated people from all walks of life in its day. It aims to strive for a balance between the traditional craftsmanship of China along the contemporary landscape to cater to the changing horizons. Chinese gardens have always been a big part of Chinese architecture, they have created Chinese architecture that is still prevalent today. The main features of such Chinese gardens are rocks, plants, and water that come together and mutually create a harmonious space.

Dongguan Garden Residences, China-Sheet1
Dongguan Garden residence, an exemplary example of traditional and contemporary_https://r.search.yahoo.com

These gardens arise in a very organic manner in nature. It seems to rise naturally out of the landscape rather than being imposed on it. The Dongguan Garden residence combines and revives the essence of these Chinese gardens while having a full consideration of its surrounding elements. These gardens have been surrounded by ever-growing residences that are sprawling all across the city. The attempt was to foster and nurture this relationship between the gardens and residence to make it feel more proportionate to the human scale while also being considerate of its surroundings and not forcing elements onto it. A lot of effort has gone into creating Dongguan gardens that have been the heart and soul of the people around them. A ton of community support and local government have made Dongguan the way it is today. The design of this space is more community-driven and meant for the people residing there. It has been articulated in such a way that people seem to have and develop a connection with the space and grow along with it. The various socio-economic objectives have also happened to be addressed alongside the environmental and heritage agendas. It has created a lot of scope for tourism since who wouldn’t want to take a look at something so breathtaking?

This residence has happened to become a project that perfectly blends the traditional with fusion architecture and how buildings can be preserved in a way that will let them breathe while also helping shape the urban sprawl better. It has tended to become a breathing sport for those who are tired and wary of the urban boom and want to escape to a space that will help them take a break from the chaos.

The project has also won the 2023 award distinction for cultural heritage conservation of UNESCO.

This project stands strong as an example of how ancient techniques and ways can be preserved beautifully for future generations. Without destroying the base of the base, focusing on beautifying it and catering to the ongoing architectural urban trends has become essential. While also focusing on the fact that the space has still been preserved ecologically seems to give it a different charm on its own. A sweet green spot nestled amidst the urban sprawl, is quite perfect!

Dongguan Garden Residences, China-Sheet2
An example depiction of how one can fuse traditional and contemporary styles_Design Thoughts Architects



An aspiring Architecture student.