A city embodies the people living there, their culture, the music, and the language. It is often a place for imitating change and it is often molded by its people’s experiences, relationships, and goals. Its people are united by their common history, customs, and tales, which foster a feeling of community and belonging. And it often becomes an archive of memories and a blank canvas for stories to be painted.

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Cities_©wire stock on Freepik

A Look Back into the Past 

Looking back to how cities were formed, it mainly resulted from the congregation of humans which resulted in the formation of settlements. These settlements started growing organically without much infrastructure and within a short period of time, a city was born. Early settlements were loosely assembled around a central space where people conducted gatherings for spiritual and community purposes. During construction, more effort and intricateness were given to creations that held a higher form of power and were the central focus of the city. While the remaining parts of the settlement would be more elementary. The admiration of these massive structures by the people often overshadows the chaotic conditions of the people residing around them. We as a whole often fail to acknowledge the failures of the surrounding development. Take the Pyramids of Giza as an example where approximately 2.3 million stones weighing 2.5 to 15 tonnes apiece were used to create each pyramid, taking about 20 years to be completed. While these massive structures grab our attention we fail to notice the stark dwellings in its adjacent neighbourhoods which lie in clear contrast to this.

Alternative narratives on Cities 

Cities are emotive landscapes that speak to the human spirit in addition to being tangible buildings. Street sculptures, safety, and aesthetics are just a few of the emotional components found in cities across the globe that affect people’s level of happiness. Well-considered urban design elements, such as well-organized grids and precise navigation systems, offer inhabitants a feeling of safety and convenience. They are not merely clusters of structures and freeways.  Cities serve as testing grounds for answers to urgent global problems, demonstrating the possibility of significant progress on a broad scale. 

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Paris, the city of love_© wirestock on Freepik

Paris is often referred to as the city of love and for obvious reasons. A part of it goes to Hollywood sure but there are certain elements in Paris that most people relate romance to like the Icon of Romanticism that is the Eiffel Tower, the River Seine which flows through the city and serves as the center for a romantic life, the beautiful Parisian boulevards that offer shade and shelter, are well connected and provide opportunities for long pleasant walks. Another aspect would be the fairytale settings some of the historical monuments seem to offer. These structures are unique and showcase excellent architectural craftsmanship. And Paris being one of the most well-lit historical cities in the world, offers the people walking through these complexes turn back in time. People are constantly looking for love worldwide and often flock to Paris just to immerse themselves in the “romantic” air that it offers.  

Happiness varies from person to person but it can be influenced by certain environmental ingredients which can collectively change the city to a happier place. Cities that humor people with their street furniture like the leapfrogging boy sculpture in London, cities that ensure that their citizens are free from criminal activity, cities that try to make their environments more aesthetically pleasing with colorful murals on blank walls, cities that give importance to street entertainment and performances such drama and musical acts. Another important factor in proving a sense of security and comfort among the people is a good sense of direction or orientation for the cities which would enable its citizens to locate their whereabouts easily. For example, the city of Manhattan and Chicago was planned using a road grid network with clear and distinct street naming and numbering system enabling people to navigate their way easily. 


Urban landscapes are changing socially, emphasizing the complex interactions between technical, cultural, and economic factors.  Cities serve as melting pots where different cultures come together to create new social standards. 

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City skyline_©wirestock on Freepik

A city is a living entity that is molded by the relationships, experiences, and aspirations of its people, and acts as a fabric for tales and a repository of recollections, embodying culture, history, and a sense of belonging. Cities originated as the natural expansion of settlements, with the main focal points of the first urban areas being public meetings and large buildings. The idea of happiness in a city is examined, acknowledging that while it differs from person to person, external circumstances can have an impact. In short, a city’s spirit is developed by human interactions, cultural manifestations, and a dedication to establishing settings that promote connection and happiness, rather than just its physical infrastructure.


  • Lee Siang Tai and Ang, V. (2016). Cities of Love. World Scientific.

Mayusha is a student of architecture, hailing from Kerala.With a deep appreciation for the art of architecture and a love for storytelling she wishes to bridge the gap between the technical aspects of architecture and the power of the written word.