Being in the profession of architecture people often say that, “Architects are engineers who can’t do maths”, but the statement is definitely not true. Math is like science which is everywhere and cannot be denied. Everything depends on the perspective, each person has a different perspective hence different methods of application. Architects need maths, but the application is different from any other profession. Another false statement passed around is that the maths in architecture is simple, but probably people who say that aren’t aware of some terms like the golden ratio or parametric architecture. With the fast advancement in modeling and conceptual designing instruments, some additional information in maths may place you in a greatly improved position.

Maths plays an important role, from the base of the foundation of a building to the highest floor. Not only construction, sometimes great conceptual ideas are derived from calculations, and geometry, algebra, and trigonometry are an important component in architecture design. Architects apply these mathematical structures to design their blueprints or sketch plans. They also calculate the probability of issues the construction group could run into as they develop the design’s conceptual vision in three dimensions.

Some of the reasons why architects need maths are converting units, architects deal with areas, heights, and plot sizes which are often measured in MKS or CGS, or FPS systems. If your practice is international then an architect must know how to convert from one system to the other. Figuring out the scale of a project also involves mathematical calculations, these calculations of drawing to scale requires the knowledge of different units and systems. The scale of a project depends on the size of the site and the level of the project. Another vital component is proportions, proportions are ratios between numbers, and comprehending them requires maths knowledge. The most famous ratio which has been widely applied in architecture is the Golden ratio 1:1.618. The golden ratio has some quite strong ties to what is also known as the Fibonacci numbers (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 …) The Golden Ratio actually serves as an essential mathematical guideline in architecture. You could even consider it a timeless paradigm, as it summons in people a universal feeling of harmony when they see or remain in a structure planned with this principle. 

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The Golden Ratio ©

Another use of maths is making quotations and BOQs, a bill of quantities is a complete list of all the components of a building, like for example how many bricks, how many aluminum window frames, how much paint, and how many ceramic tiles. Everything that is utilized to raise a structure and prepare it for use is included in the bill of quantities, and obviously, to create it, you need maths. You need to realize how to calculate perimeter, areas, and volumes, and make an interpretation of them into costs.

Math is not only used to formulate BOQs but in the development of building form. This one is achieved via what is commonly known as Parametric Design, it is a method that employs algorithms along with a set of variables, or parameters, to generate unique geometrical forms. All the distinctive building the advantage elements of a structure transform into mathematically characterized segments that can be adjusted utilizing numerical equations and calculations. The more the designer is proficient in the calculation, mechanics, and maths, the more they can control the parametric design tools, and the more novel their items. Famous architectural models, of the contribution of confounded math in the plan, to deliver something remarkable, is the Walt Disney Concert Hall by Frank Gehry, the Heydar Aliyev Center by Zaha Hadid, and 30 St. Mary Ax, known as the Gherkin, by Foster + Partners.

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directions dedicated to the spaces ©

Vastu Shastra is the old Indian science of architecture and goes about as a rule to planning your home such that it increases positive energy. For a house to turn into a home, it needs to transmit the correct sort of energy. As indicated by various conventional convictions, each home accompanies its own energy type. An individual dwelling in a house goes under the impact of a particular energy field, which thus impacts them. Hence, it’s extremely vital to understand the connection between the healing craft of Vastu and our homes in sharpening inspiration and great vibes. Remembering the ‘prepared to-move-in’ houses (where architecture changes are unrealistic).

Vastu shastra has been practiced in India for centuries, to create ancient architecture such as temples, monuments, palaces, etc. structures built according to Vastu principles are said to vibrate universal positive energy. 

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Colour map of rooms according to Vastu ©

Vastu shastra is said to be the intangible part of Indian architecture, it has roots extended to Indian philosophy, science, maths, geology, geography, religion, culture and takes into account the context of the site, roads, surrounding buildings, and topography. Some of the advantage scientific factors that are involved in the study of Vastu are the earth’s magnetic field, sun’s direction, and rotation, cardinal directions, the element of nature, the human body, and the earth’s energy field.

According to Hindu mythology, it is believed that Vishvakarma was the architect of earth, Lord Brahma asked Vishwakarma to develop an architectural system that included the powers of the basic five elements- air, water, earth, fire, and space. This system and concept have played an important role through generations, it has maintained the balance between nature and human life. As of today, the technological advance in science has created debatable questions. Simultaneously, the use of Vastu Shastra is a Vedic science and building innovation that isn’t time-related. The old Vastu architects knew about structural designing and the development of technologies that are being utilized even today, so the topic of Vastu Shastra being out of date or excess doesn’t arise. It tends to be said that the Vastu Shastra of advanced architecture is like ancient science, the only difference is the way toward the ideas. This concludes that unconsciously, we are still following the ancient science derived from the Vedic sutras.


A highly motivated architecture student, environmentalist, reader & an energetic person, Vibhuti Bhambri is interested in various sustainable, historical, traditional and economical aspects of architecture, curious to learn, research and spread this knowledge via blogs and writings. Aiming to use knowledge and experience in day to day life.