Ultra luxury, luxury and sustainability have always been referred to as three individually different aspects with individual characteristics in the architecture fraternity. The thought of Ultra luxury takes one to the lavish aspects of design and aesthetics. Extravagance, indulgence, opulent, and magnificent are what they say about luxury On the other hand Sustainability is referred to as Minimal, Efficient, less wasteful, Earthy, long-term, and environmental are a few most commonly used words to describe it. Luxury and Sustainability are oxymorons of the same dictionary. So, how did these two opposite words come together? Continue reading to understand this subject further.

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Sustainable luxury_©milenacdesigns.com

As grandeur and pomp may portray luxury itself, luxury shares a few aspects with sustainability like – long-term durability, creativeness, extraordinary designs, uniqueness, elegance, exceptional materials, and quality unlike any other.

As the saying suggests Ethics and Aesthetics result in Sustainable Luxury. In recent times, as people are becoming extremely aware of climate change and ecological imbalance, the consciousness regarding consumption is increasing too.

In recent times, as people are becoming extremely aware of the ecological imbalance and climate change, they’re getting more conscious regarding what they consume. However, the problem arises as the aesthetics of the cost-effective sustainable practice do not satisfy people’s taste in aesthetics. An individual survey conducted by the author indicates that six out of Ten people were not willing to opt for sustainable practices due to their perception and understanding about it as being unfinished, earthy and also the materials perceived as low-cost or for the poor. So, the question arises of how does the term Sustainable Luxury change all of this?

Sustainable Luxury

Sustainable Luxury is a new concept of elevating the aesthetics of the earthy Sustainable architecture to high-end designs with an incentive of providing posh aesthetics by maximum usage of materials that are less harmful to the environment. Sustainable Luxury is a concept that can be worked on architectural as well as Interiors projects.

Listed below are a few samples –


Key features that describe a typical bedroom with sustainable luxury are – high roofs, complementing colour palette to the interior, efficient light and natural ventilation, and multiple decorative blending together the aesthetics of the room.

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Bedroom showcasing elements_ ©pinterest.com
Sustainable Luxury - Sheet3
Sustainable Luxury module- bedroom_©pinterest.com

Kitchen and Dining

Key features that describe a typical kitchen and dining portraying the style of sustainable luxury are – perfect play of lighting, complementing colour palette to the interior, efficient light and natural ventilation, and multiple decorative blending together the aesthetics of the room.

Sustainable Luxury - Sheet4
Sustainable Luxury module- kitchen and dining_©pinterest.com
Sustainable Luxury - Sheet5
Sustainable Luxury module- kitchen and dining_©pinterest.com

Living Room

Key features that describe a living room portraying the style of sustainable luxury are – the perfect play of lighting, high roofs, huge windows, complementing colour palette to the interior, efficient light and natural ventilation, and multiple decorative blending together the aesthetics of the room.

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Sustainable Luxury module- living room_ ©pinterest.com
Sustainable Luxury - Sheet7
Sustainable Luxury module- living room_ ©pinterest.com
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Sustainable Luxury module- living room_ ©pinterest.com
Sustainable Luxury - Sheet9
Sustainable Luxury module- living room_ ©pinterest.com

Restaurant and Bar

Key features that describe a Restaurant and Bar room portraying the style of sustainable luxury are – perfect play of lighting, high roofs, huge windows, complementing colour palette to the interior, efficient light and natural ventilation, and multiple decorative blending together the aesthetics of the room.

Sustainable Luxury - Sheet10
Sustainable Luxury module- restaurant & Bar_ ©pinterest.com
Sustainable Luxury - Sheet11
Sustainable Luxury module- restaurant & Bar_ ©pinterest.com
Sustainable Luxury - Sheet12
Sustainable Luxury module- restaurant & Bar_ ©pinterest.com
Sustainable Luxury module- restaurant & Bar_ ©pinterest.com

The Scope

As fancy as the modules look in the presented pictures above the pressing question arises if there is an increasing scope of such designs in the market.

A recent study showcased that Gen Z and millennials are accountable for 30% of the luxury aesthetics in the industry and the numbers are expected to rise by 45% by 2025. A study from Nielsen portrays that 73% of millennial consumers would willingly spend an extra amount on a luxury product if it’s catered to the aspects of sustainability. This indicates that the millennials are getting more conscious of the rising environmental issues faced by the world and that creates scope.


  1. Luxury Abode. 2022. What is Sustainable Luxury?. [online] Available at: <https://www.luxuryabode.com/blog/what-is-sustainable-luxury/artid61#:~:text=Sustainability%20luxury%20is%20when%20a,brands%20differ%20from%20fast%20fashion.>
  2.  [Accessed 1 August 2022].

Disha is an architecture graduate from Nagpur University, 2021. Being an avid traveler, she has always tried to connect the city’s art & culture with architecture. She is a keen learner & an extremely creative individual who always seeks opportunities to enhance knowledge & experience in the field of architecture.