The very first and most common description of an architect, in general, can be clubbed within two words, architects build. But is it so? Is it the only thing we as an architect is trained in? What are the other things that we are capable of doing with our knowledge and expertise in this vast field of design?

Like every fresh admission, the basic idea of what architecture could be was to design and build within the defined set rules of physics. Any activity related to construction was either directly or indirectly linked to architects. No allied fields were much known or were ever heard of in general. The only concept was to acquire a bachelor’s degree followed by a master’s one. As the course started, the idea of what an architect should be and what all we as architects can be, slowly began to clear out. The definite boundaries merged opening out a sea of possibilities. 

Architecture, if it has to be classified, can work on two levels, based upon what is intended from it by the designer itself, against that intended from the end-user. Classifying the user at times may be quite quick based upon the project and the program they aim for. A simple description of a campus, high-rise tower, or residential unit is much easier to comprehend, as the final product is a clear idea waiting to be brought to reality by means of construction technology and design knowledge. Somehow, there might be a difference for finalising when it comes to the role of an architect in the overall field. Architecture cannot be viewed as a one stream profession, but rather, a composition of services clubbed together in the vision of an architectural piece. In addition to this composition, there is a set of related fields that talks about the varied complimentary streams, school of thought, and critique. 

Upon entering the school, the very first and the basic characterisation for a student would be, based upon the academic curriculum, where subjects stand as a design against construction technology. Architectural graphics have had always been the default in the program and are an unavoidable part of it. Hence, the main grouping is left within the domains of construction technology and design. To start with the first year, even the design was brought down to its base, explaining theories of balance, focus, hierarchy, and so on. These same principles were then translated into architectural language by understanding the concepts of light, shadow, massing. A small journey organised to take the two dimensional to the third plane. With these in place as the design basics, the subject was taken to the next level, understanding the detailing of it all. This was the phase that was explored through settlement tours and much more comprehended by observing the other part of the curriculum, the construction technology of it. The sheets which were drafted, and the journals with the sketches, all got a meaning and came to life when seen adapted in real life. A chance was given to explore the new techniques as well with the next few semesters, by observing and adapting through a similar format. 

Architects Build - Sheet1
Brick Laying Robots_ ©Scott Peters

With further years, the new sides to it were put forth. Design specifics such as planning were introduced. Large scale projects were dealt with in different semesters within the urban design and town planning studios. A much larger scale and context and user group were addressed in it. This opened a new avenue of large scale planning typology, an independent yet partially integrated field of architecture. Independent in sense of technicality as specialisations in it can be aimed for with a primary degree in planning, engineering as well as in architecture. Whereas, integrated in terms of combining the knowledge of humane aspects dealt in architecture with the planning level projects. 

Sustainable design of  Center for Science & Technology in Suzhou_©Kevin Daly Architects

In a similar fashion, other such fields were identified through other core subjects as well as through electives. Electives in sustainable design and construction management put light upon the overall project quality and design phases where they play the most important role in. A functional field and the career potentials which it holds were seen in a glimpse. Even with such a short glimpse the students interested in such specific subjects found a way to look for the correct course of action for them to adapt to in terms of career aspects.  A similar scenario was seen for design electives as well, where subjects such as journalism took the centre stage, opening an unknown field of career options which goes in close relation to architecture. 

With many such experiences in the academic and professional line of architecture, one primary description stating that the ‘architects build’ was cleared up, and replaced with ‘architects design’, ranging from structures to critique to management aspect. 


Sanjana is a young architect with keen interest in place making and urban theories. It's the stories of the spaces and it's expressions, which got her exploring the field of journalism.