The Hypothesis

The field of architecture, specifically the exposure to architecture school and direct engagement with professionals, significantly shapes an individual’s perception of space.

Nevertheless, the influence of architecture extends beyond academia, leaving a lasting impact on how individuals perceive and engage with space. Architectural education provides a technical lens to discern elements like scale, proportion, light, and materiality. This heightened understanding enhances experiences in cities, landscapes, and interior spaces.

Architecture as a perspective - burden, satire or benefit  - Sheet1

The Burden

Not only does one find oneself acutely attuned to the intricacies of space, but one is also incessantly assailed by an imposing Mouche volante of interpretation that surges unrelentingly into the architect’s gaze. Lines, forms, and voids intricately layered upon our surroundings forge a captivating tableau. Yet, this romanticised shattered freedom extracts a toll, depriving one of the vulnerabilities necessary to experience a place authentically, untainted by the burden of overanalysis. This transformation irreversibly alters one’s perception. Analogous to instances of Synesthesia, where “the activation of a solitary sensory or cognitive pathway triggers an automatic and involuntary cascade of experiences” [1].

Within public spaces, one is compelled to quantify distance, movement, and composition, much like navigating within the confines of a simulation that can be steered or tailor-made to accord with personal whims. Skyscrapers, for instance, deceitfully assume the guise of diminutive building blocks in the miniature realm of an architect’s office, obscuring the grandeur they embody in actuality. Extravagant fluid lines are deftly reimagined, camouflaging the truth that they are, in reality, the sum of several creases spanning hundreds of meters atop a roof. Thus, the very concept of scale undergoes a profound metamorphosis, endowing it with an entirely novel comprehension.

Architecture as a perspective - burden, satire or benefit  - Sheet2
A sketch drawn by Robert Venturi to criticize how modernist building lacks identity and character so that it desperately needs a signage to be recognized as a monument/icon (

The Satire

The intricate term of beauty, an expression inherently subjective, is undergoing a profound distortion that permeates its essence. In this distortion, one perceives the presence of aesthetic repugnance in unlikely places, such as waste disposal sites, mould patterns, and brutalist bunkers. Astonishingly, this distortion extends its influence beyond these realms, infiltrating diverse categories and situations, including fashion, culinary creations or PowerPoint presentations.

As the allure of cosmeticised spaces swells, a sense of stifling congestion ensues, prompting a cyclical fluctuation where the ancient Greek Agora, an emblem of open communal spaces, waxes and wanes in popularity. Within the society of architects, an internal struggle ensues, torn between idealising expansive, uncluttered realms and the pressing need to utilise space efficiently and sustainably. Robert Venturi‘s statement “Less is a Bore” criticizes the uniformity of modern architecture. Post-modern architecture embraces pre-modern elements, utilizing ornaments as design features embedded within the building’s geometry.  The notion of uselessness becomes unbearable in this engineered mindset, with every element compelled to possess a tangible purpose, thereby rendering decorative ornaments seemingly obsolete—an ongoing inquiry that pervades the discourse.

Moreover, as the fabric of social structures and the intricate political dimensions of space and geography come into sharper focus, the intangible aspects of these constructs gain prominence. The interplay between spatial configurations and the dynamics of society unfolds, casting light on the intrinsic interdependence between physical spaces and the intangible forces that shape human interactions and political frameworks.

Architecture as a perspective - burden, satire or benefit  - Sheet3
i like this art » 223_1 _© Ron Gilad

The Benefit

Considering the facets discussed thus far, teaching architecture and cultivating an awareness of spaces and their associated behaviours within a city assumes a profound significance—a gift, if you will. With its sensory input carefully integrated, the built environment possesses the remarkable ability to facilitate the healing and rehabilitation of patients within medical facilities. By redefining entire urban areas through the architect’s discernment, the potential for vehemently impacting social structures and enhancing the overall quality of life becomes tangible.

Should one wish to amplify the transformative impact of architecture on an individual’s perspective, it bestows upon them a wholly novel skill set—a veritable arsenal of new capabilities. This enriched perspective, acquired through engaging with the intricacies of architectural design, transcends mere visual aesthetics. It imparts the ability to perceive and comprehend spaces in a multidimensional manner, unearthing the hidden layers of meaning and significance that permeate our built environment.

Teaching architecture empowers individuals to shape inclusive, sustainable urban environments. It fosters a connection to surroundings, sensitivity to design’s impact on behavior and well-being. Architecture inspires creativity, social interaction, cultural exchange, and community identity. Understanding these dynamics enables transformative engagement with the environment. Architecture’s impact extends to society, redefining urban areas for equitable cities. By designing accessible, inclusive, and sustainable spaces, architects foster positive change—social cohesion, economic development, and environmental stewardship. Teaching architecture is a gift, endowing transformative skills to shape the environment actively. Engaging with design unlocks new understanding, contributing to vibrant, inclusive, sustainable communities.

Seeing & Perceiving” – “ Future Thoughts” Ithra, Dhahran, 2021 _©Ester Stocker

The Summary

In conclusion, the field of architecture profoundly shapes an individual’s perception of space. Beyond academia, architecture’s influence extends to how individuals perceive and engage with space. This heightened understanding enhances one’s experiences in cities, landscapes, and interior spaces.

Architecture’s profound influence on an individual’s perception of space necessitates an imbalance between analysis and authentic experience. It reveals the distortion of beauty, the struggle between expansive and efficient spaces, and the interplay between physicality and intangibility. Through teaching architecture, one can harness its transformative power and equip individuals with the skills to comprehend and appreciate the significance embedded within our built environment whilst burdening some of us to aspire to perfect it.


[1] Inkwell, A.I. (2023) The Strange World of synesthesia: When senses overlap, Medium. Available at: (Accessed: 11 June 2023).


[1] Idea by Ena Hadzic (no date a) SenseLAB, Future Architecture. Available at: (Accessed: 11 June 2023).

[2] E, R.E. (2020) An essay (2/2) : Post-Modern Architecture 101, Medium. Available at: (Accessed: 11 June 2023).

[3], Ardamis. com | (no date) 223_1: I like this art, i like this art RSS. Available at: (Accessed: 11 June 2023).

[4] Installations. Available at: (Accessed: 11 June 2023).
