There is a Nigerian parable that says, “You shouldn’t throw stones as a bird may fly away.” If someone has a passion, then let them do it. Let people be what they want to be. – Yinka Ilori

In the late years of High School, this question always pops in: “What do you want to be in the future? And where do you see yourself in it?”. At this time most students already have an answer, while others don’t. But for students aspiring to be architects in the future, this question is always asked: “Should I pursue it? What should I prepare for it? Do I have the skills for it? What is it really about?”. This article will tackle what Architecture School is like, what you will learn, and hopefully convince you to pursue your passion in architecture. This will also discuss how architecture is more than just making buildings pretty and how careful planning is involved, from the plan to the elevations and the materials used. So, whether you are an aspiring architect or simply interested in architecture, this article will give you a deeper understanding of the importance of architecture in our lives.

The Early Years Of An Architecture Student

Aspiring Architects During and After Architecture School - Sheet1
Architecture Student_© Craig Chandler

During their early years as Architecture Students, Architecture is very intriguing and will pique their interest since they first learned about it. All excitement and smiles can be seen on the faces of these new and budding aspiring architects. All of them are ready to face the challenges to become successful Architects in the future. They learn about the history and theory of architecture, design principles & elements, building technology, and construction methods during architecture school. They also learn about sustainability and the importance of designing energy-efficient and environmentally friendly buildings.

What You Learn In Architecture School

Aspiring Architects During and After Architecture School - Sheet2
Pyramids of Giza_© Alessandro Zanini | Unsplash

One of the most important lessons an architecture student will learn is to design with people in mind. A successful design is when the needs of the users of the space are carefully considered. Architecture deeply impacts the mood and productivity of the space’s people. All these considerations are vital to creating a successful design of a usable space, from lighting to acoustics, temperature aesthetics, and ventilation. While considering all that, creating a sense of self or identity for those who will use it is also important. Giving it a personal touch or something the user can identify with can help the user be more comfortable inside the building. Thus, Architecture is greatly influenced by human culture, from the Egyptians’ belief in the afterlife that created the Pyramids to the modern style of Architecture that caters to modern men’s lifestyle.

It is also taught in Architecture School how one should respect nature when designing. An architect should incorporate nature in their design, creating less impact on nature as possible. Architecture must not be so intrusive and destructive to nature. As Architect Norman Foster said: “As an architect, you design for the present, with an awareness of the past for a future which is essentially unknown”. Architects design for the present while considering the future. But what future will there be when nature is destroyed? Thus, sustainability in Architecture is greatly emphasized, especially to this day, as we see the world slowly deteriorating from depleting natural resources to consecutive natural disasters.

Apprenticeship In Architecture

Problem-Solving_©Olav Ahrens Rotne | Unsplash

Everything an Architect learns during Architecture School should be backed up by Experience. After graduating, aspiring architects are required to undergo an Apprenticeship. During this apprenticeship, architects learn more about architecture not taught in school. The essential skills of an architect, like creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration, are all moulded during this apprenticeship. They also learn better about Building Technology and Construction Methods during this time, as these topics are much easier to understand on-site than in theory. They will understand better how these methods and designs are feasible and safe for the structure being built. Experience will always be the best teacher for everyone, especially architects. Architecture is a never-ending process of learning. Through experience, architects gain a deeper understanding of architecture’s practical and professional aspects. Experience also develops the essential skills an architect must have to help them create better architecture.


In conclusion, Architecture is more than just making aesthetically pleasing buildings, houses, and places. It is a science that involves a lot of processes to create functional and safe spaces that reflect the needs and well-being of the people who will use it. Architects must develop the essential skills every architect must have, like creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration, which greatly help planning and designing spaces. Architecture is an essential part of people’s lives, but it is often overlooked and unrecognised by many. It shapes the way people interact with one another. Aspiring Architects are tasked with the responsibility of creating functional and safe spaces that users of the space will enjoy and appreciate. So, if you are considering a career in architecture, you must know that you have the power to shape the world we live in and make a significant impact on many people’s lives.


Carpenter, J. (2022) What does an architect do? it’s more than designing buildings., Soapbox.  [online] Available at: (Accessed: 13 June 2023). 

Arch2O (2022) Here’s why young architects need the construction site experience,  [online] Available at: (Accessed: 13 June 2023). 

HMC Architects (2019) How does architecture impact society? A high-level look: Ideas, HMC Architects.  [online] Available at: (Accessed: 13 June 2023). 


A licensed Architect from the Philippines, seeking to learn more about Architecture through different experiences and research. Interested in a wide variety of topics that mainly revolves around Art, Design, and Architecture. Currently working in the field of developing the most beautiful memorial parks in the Philippines.