An Architect is a person who has the capability of seeing things that are unseen by the eyes of a regular person. Architects and aspiring architects can see things that are present but not visible. While appreciating the piece of architecture, they often brainstorm the various elements present at the back of their heads and how one can come about to achieve it. These people can notice minute details. They appear to be in their dimension, which only they can perceive and comprehend. The shocking fact is that They can’t even avoid it!

“One of the great beauties of architecture is that each time, it is like life starting all over again”-Renzo Piano

The Dimensional Jumping

Being a hideous society, only people involved in Architecture know what goes into it. As a result, people are not interested in architecture because they are not well-informed. That does not stop society from differentiating Good Architecture from Bad one. Their involvement is through the individual’s status, the grandeur residence building they own or the enormous size of apartments on who knows how many floors.

When people become involved in Architecture through Educational means, which is usual for most people, their perception of viewing buildings has changed, even if they are not passionate about architecture. For ordinary people, a building with an attention-grabbing facade, a great colour palette or a great-looking element matters, but for an architect, a building is much more than that. They start noticing everything present that is often unseen by others.

Once, the Architects were like everyone and were introduced to architecture through their own Houses, with which they understood the basics of house spaces and what functions served. Later, other typologies of buildings were introduced to them by the variety such as Local Commercial Shops, Schools, and Shopping Complexes along with various others. In society, they learn about the structure and its functions and purpose.

The Unseen Dimension of Architecture - Sheet1
Getting sucked into the Unseen Dimension_Sony Entertainment

After getting involved in Architecture, the spaces they saw in their childhood, their own house, school and others are the same. Still, their perception of these buildings is changed, whereby the presence of another Dimensional lens through which they understand their view is filtered. These spaces are often through the eyes of architects when perceived, where the door height, building orientation, space zoning, and other parameters make sense. Even when they do not want to see these things, they cannot help but have this feeling.

This Dimension is always active and working in the back of Architect’s heads. In some situations, it is just things they want to see which can only be seen in another dimension. Like, when a typical architect casually enters a restaurant for lunch or dinner, their eyes automatically start scanning the spaces as soon as they enter, things like colour palette, the material used, arrangement of space, pieces of furniture, lighting and the list goes on and on which they cannot help but notice. is because the other dimension they perceive does not work as a toggle switch with on or off functionality, which is active and present.

The Unseen Dimension of Architecture - Sheet2
What an Architect see_Leewardists

Further Progress in this Dimension

After the dimensional jumping into this world, there is no looking back. It is a well with no end, and Architects go deep into this Dimension and level up progressively growing with Architecture. These levels are infinite in number but not accessible to everyone. The Dimension gives everyone a unique path at every level, progressing into developing ideologies and design philosophies that impact the dimension.

In the beginning, when architects enter this dimension, they come into contact with architects who have further progressed into this Dimension. These architects are more advanced and have a deep knowledge of this dimension giving them superiority over others, referred to commonly as Starchitects. Architects begin following in their footsteps and get inspired by them until they develop their understanding. That is what’s usual in today’s age, but earlier prodigies were the ones who built this Dimension, shaped it at every level and showed its glory to everyone in society.  Through going deep with their unique path, architects filter out what they want to explore in this dimension and what draws out the architecture within them.

Busan Cinema Centre by Coop Himmelb(l)au_Coop Himmelb(l)au

After gaining experience with architecture, architects go deep into this dimension. Now, they are at the platform where their design philosophies become inspirational and capable of shaping this world. As every Architect experiences a unique path in this dimension, everyone has a unique perspective similar to the human brain. This uniqueness to them through their understanding and ideologies.

Unwinding the Dimension 

This unseen dimension is like life and is perceived by every architect uniquely. As Life is different for every human being, everyone has their perception of how to live it, and so does this unseen dimension. From the phase of dimensional jumping to reaching a deep level, this experience is a transcendence to another life of its own. Whether others acknowledge the design ideologies, this experience is reverent to Architects. In conclusion, the un-denying fact is that this unseen dimension is no less than life itself.

“Life is architecture, and architecture is the mirror of life.” -Ieoh Ming Pei 

References for Images:

  1. Sony Entertainment. (2022). SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE – Official Trailer #2 (HD). [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 June 2023].
  2. Leewardists (2019).Leewardists [online].30 June 2019. Available from: [Accessed 22 Jun. 2023].
  3. Coop Himmelb(l)au (no date) Busan Cinema Center. Available at: (Accessed: 13 June 2023).

Abhist is a unique individual who believes in “Living Life in the Moment” Apart from his passion for Architecture, he spent most of his time Ridiculously watching Anime and listening to EDM Music.