Okay! I accept architecture is ain’t easy but surely not the most difficult one. Just imagine late-night(s)  group work and day out on site, in evening craving for snacks and getting sheets for a redo. Documentation work feels like living history on pajamas and holding coffee with messy hair and a swollen eye. Architecture life is more than architecture and beyond life. From the very 1st semester till completing the last semester. The journey of so many ups and downs with backlogs and how can I forget breakups.


At the beginning of the architecture journey. Yes, 1st sem where we have to give self-introduction and to be very honest I’m doing architecture because I’m interested in sketching is very lame to listen, anyways while working with seniors as a team project and we dumb students do not know anything. Well, the situation twisted when the senior girl called one of my classmates baby because she was not supposed to shout at him and at the same time let him understand the context was the prior responsibility. Everyone was staring at each other, making faces, hiding expressions so that no one will notice and will not get punished for this reason. While, the boy who called as a baby was lucky, can say! Because although she was his crush. Meanwhile, it was 1st semester so nobody wanted to drool in a relationship at first, after all, we came here to get a degree was the only thought left in our minds after a few minutes.

College Life Cum Life Lesson - Sheet1


This time we got upgraded obviously it was 2nd year when again the college held one workshop where we have to select any wall and give it a fresh treat. Here the situation was quite critical. I have to make a mark for everyone including faculty that they are working or not. The most difficult thing is questioning senior faculty, asking them about how much work you have done. The workshop lasted for 3 days but still lives in our mind even today. Wall paints, oil paints, watercolor, brushes, etc, starring each other who is going to open the paint box and who is going to paint the wall because of fumes. But the perks of that workshop was it was a staircase wall with a huge opening so that we can take a deep breath. The opening was next to a construction yard with lots of greenery and a huge opening. Sometimes while painting we used to get some deep feelings to reside in that yard.


Huh! After a long design studio, what do you expect us to do? Obviously, sipping coffee because I have to attend another lecture. Nobody can imagine what will happen next to us, well it is very common to have a Nescafe at the campus, my group skipped some hours of the on-going studio, completed some accounts work, went to the Nescafe and the faculty is standing in front of us. The situation was kind of like we cannot move side, could not take back our steps because they have already noticed us. And then the cherry on the cake moment was while sipping coffee they told us about their journey, jury, site visits, and many more. Even without living those moments, we got the hype of it. Some bunks are damn special, no doubt!



At the starting of the journey of architecture, dealing with the juror was the most terrible nightmare, even with their humbleness we used to imagine it as the opposite of it. I mean who loves to interact with the juror unless they started sharing their journey, that is the most interesting part to listen to, so many hurdles along with how they overcame, and of course I should mention it that time we can skip classes and get some more time to complete an assignment. Some jurors were friendly, some were strict, some were lazy and some were very productive. There were some jurors who taught us some point which we never heard of and started implementing them in other works. Face factor also plays an important part while giving jury, all I want to say is how we used to forget our project, cannot utter a single word while explaining which we made it.

It was in my 2nd year when I got less time to complete the design project and in the jury, I was not able to explain anything. I was trying to explain to him and as always cross-question was making me nervous. Having lots of tattoos in college life is quite risky as it makes you come in limelight easily, this has happened while giving jury. The juror was also having lots of tattoos so as for me, he asked me about the meaning of my tattoo letting the design project in the middle, and at the last, he said, “you have to work more and put your efforts into your work, but you got an incredible tattoos girl.”

It’s true architecture student gets an unexpected assignment and redo but more of it we learn from it, an unexpected molding of nature, we become like water which gets dissolved in any situation.


Yeah, That’s right! The person who puts heart and mind to unravel the intangibles. Who believes in words more than actions. Loves history, architecture in a practical approach with a balanced flavor of philosophy. She writes blogs and a lot of things. An architecture student as well as an artistic writer.