Architecture is a field that has much more to offer than meets the eye. It extends beyond appearing visually appealing and focuses more on creating functionally efficient spaces. Attending architecture school changes the perception of surrounding spaces promoting its analysis and criticism. It also lends different perspectives and sheds new light on our surroundings. Like humans, each structure seems to possess a unique character with personalities and history. Students are equipped not only with professional abilities but also with essential life skills. Architects become great problem solvers and also possess a great eye for detail. College helps boost their confidence and encourages the fearless expression of opinions.

Beyond Blueprints: Unveiling the Soul of Architecture - Sheet1
Architecture studio_© Dept of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Beyond Blueprints: Unveiling the Soul of Architecture - Sheet2
Designing as a team_ © Future Architecture Platform

Hustling through

“If you want an easy life, do not be an architect.”-Zaha Hadid

Architecture is an exciting journey that grants liberty unheard of in many other fields. However, it requires tons of passion, determination, and hard work. From design principles to technical drawings and building materials, students walk the thin line between the freedom of arts and the discipline of science. The initial year is always bittersweet. Students are introduced to a new environment completely different from school life where the way of imparting knowledge changes drastically. Practical and applied skill has more importance over-reliance on written text. Architecture hones them to become adept problem solvers and teaches to embrace the hectic lifestyle that comes along with this profession. 

Beyond Blueprints: Unveiling the Soul of Architecture - Sheet3
Architectural juries_ ©

Rising again

 “Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, of forms assembled in the light” – Le Corbusier

Criticism is a significant factor contributing to the evolution of architects.

Architectural juries surmise the work of an entire semester. The feedback received is a preparation for professional practice. Moreover, it boosts communication skills and aids the presentation of concise points. They also help develop a thick skin, jurors may not always be friendly and polite and students eventually learn to accept the censure and make improvements. 

Beyond Blueprints: Unveiling the Soul of Architecture - Sheet4
Conceptual sketch_© Shubham Aggarwal

Crushing the box

“To create, one must first question everything.” – Eileen Gray

Architects are known to be creative, devising unique design solutions for the issues that arise. Ideation marks the commencement of the design process. A widely acknowledged fact is that a concept makes an architectural structure different from every other building. The concept is the core idea the entire design comes down to and can be integrated into the building in any way. To promote creative thought is essential to rewire our brains and break existing barriers. The eureka moment is usually the result of fresh perspective, not to mention hours of research and study. A liberal mind can seek inspiration from everywhere.

Beyond Blueprints: Unveiling the Soul of Architecture - Sheet5
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum_©

Form and function

“Form follows function – that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.”- Frank Lloyd Wright

A lot of research goes behind designing a structure. Reference to the precedents of similar structures is vital in any construction. The design process is meticulous and is done step by step. Form follows function has been an unerring philosophy adapted by architects across the world since Thomas Sullivan popularised it during the modernist period. It essentially means that the basic form of a structure evolves from its purpose. The meaning and significance have evolved but the core idea remains the same.

A public interaction space_©Torben Eskerod

For the people

“Everything we design is a response to the specific climate and culture of a particular place.” – Norman Foster

Each design is unique targeting a specific user group. A deep study of human behaviour and requirements is necessary to build lively spaces which promote interactions and relationships. Architecture school provides an opportunity to travel around, visit various places and document the native structures, the culture and its people. These are essential not only for designing but also for character growth. The numerous group projects also improve our team spirit, students and professionals work with people at various stages of their study and exchange knowledge and views.

“There is no doubt whatever about the influence of architecture and structure upon human character and action. We make our buildings and afterwards, they make us. They regulate the course of our lives.” –Winston Churchill

The architecture of a space is a reflection of its occupants, the buildings we move around define our daily lives directly or indirectly and represent the people residing in them.Stagnancy is the bane of growth and like every other field, Architecture requires constant updation. This is a rollercoaster ride full of highs and lows. With many sleepless nights, frustrating moments and racking our brains for fresh ideas this profession not only requires but demands an unwavering passion and dedication. Despite all the hardships, there will always be excitement and satisfaction during the design process that cannot be replaced. 


Orli Hakanoglu. Life of An Architecture Student: The Truth About All-Nighters. [online].Available at:,we%20work%20into%20the%20night.

Pranali chavhan (March 24, 2023).The impact of architecture in our daily lives.[online].Available at:

Dami Lee (2020).Skills to learn before architecture school [YouTube video]. Available at:


Gouri is an enthusiastic architecture student at SPA Vijayawada, always looking for new experiences. A lover of music and literature, she strives to do her best at everything she does.