The evolution of architecture serves as a significant testament to the dynamic shifts in societal values, climate patterns, technological advancements, and other influential factors that shape human existence on our planet. We’ve witnessed architects transition from ideating and presenting on hand-drawn sheets to ideating on a small piece of paper and drafting using software like AutoCAD. When these plans and drafted drawings failed to hold the attention of the common audience, the AEC community rose to the occasion with cutting-edge technology called BIM. By welcoming AI as a novice to be educated in the AEC community, we can merely speculate and envision the potential future of architecture. 

The Future of settlement of human life was long ago predicted by civilizations that existed before. The living tribe from the past (i.e. civilizations like Indus Valley, Harappan etc.) had not only identified but also offered solutions for the now-existing modern city problems (like sewerage and drainage issues). By foreseeing the future ahead, today’s architect can envision the coming tomorrow or maybe predict settlement and urban city plans for a completely new set of homes that would be on a different planet.

The notion of architecture, be it in the past or the future, will consistently be a concept that heavily relies on and profoundly affects these three factors:

The Inhabitants

The Habitat

The Economy

Today, there is a proposal on the table to visualize a wide array of architectural trends, spanning from the near future to the absolute abstract.

A Lens to Architecture Design Trends - Sheet1Modest Housing Plans : 

The COVID-19 pandemic has had such a profound impact that purchasing an economically viable home that fulfills the requirements of a daily wage worker has become exceedingly difficult. The industry produces less than a third of what is needed for the growing population. Therefore, this results in escalated prices for these houses. Houses call for a delicate balance of excellent amenities and impeccable construction. Nevertheless, comprehending that scaling up does not have to undermine its quality!

A Lens to Architecture Design Trends - Sheet2

Human-centric design that includes all and leaves none!

The lockdown has given individuals the opportunity to work in a comfortable and tranquil environment. In light of people returning to offices, what kind of workspace would best suit their comfort needs? An individual of average height who values efficiency is in search of a workspace furnished with ergonomic seating, private work areas, tranquil libraries, and a serene ambiance. The surge in demand for these needs would create further possibilities for offices to furnish concentration rooms, discussion areas, outdoor spaces, and spaces with favorable views and daylight.

A Lens to Architecture Design Trends - Sheet3Taller buildings to the scare!

Just when we thought structures wouldn’t go higher up now, an idea of vertical cities: a solution to livable space shrinkage floated up in the AEC industry. Budding architects and designers would be required to astound laymen with unconventional and futuristic designs that fulfill the demand for diverse needs in residential, commercial, and entertainment spaces.

A Lens to Architecture Design Trends - Sheet4Biophilic Architecture : 

While the scale of taller buildings keeps on increasing, why not humanize these mammoth structures by introducing a biophilic approach to designing? Designers would feel the urge to provide more and more green facades, buildings enveloping pockets of courtyards, and many more such green features. A step towards sustainable architecture would ensure such techniques are inculcated in future structures.

A Lens to Architecture Design Trends - Sheet5Refurbishing and reinventing the colossal dungeon spaces :

Previous instances of pandemics have resulted in the emergence of expansive dungeon spaces with diverse applications. The upcoming future should unquestionably embrace a more secure grip on multi-functional spaces that can be reimagined based on necessity. Incorporating partitioning walls to create boundaries for different activities in space and enable multiple functions would result in a reduced building footprint and a more sustainable environment. Retrofitting spaces that can be converted into a multi-use area would be the key.

A Lens to Architecture Design Trends - Sheet6The sustainable material palette for the new age!

As time progresses, nature undergoes a cycle of shedding leaves and granting new beginnings. The cycle of being connected to nature and growing from it is admirable. How about inventing a material that biodegrades once a building has completed its lifecycle? Earth blocks are one example of such materials. To ideate concrete in a way that it would have the nature of earth blocks but have the properties of concrete would be a path that invention in architecture could lead to.

Architects and designers would deliberately opt for sustainable materials. There would be an upsurge in the adoption of retrofit architecture, prompting architects to explore creative methods of integrating elemental and organic components.

When AI(artificial intelligence) would prove to be mankind’s best innovation!

During the age where architecture is advancing in BIM technologies, AI can prove to be an efficient toolkit for architects. AI and data have an interdependent relationship; AI algorithms can be used to identify patterns and trends in the data, make predictions, and generate insights that can inform different design decisions. The more comprehensive and superior the data fed into the system, including data from BIM databases, IoT devices, weather and traffic data, and user feedback, the more proficient the AI becomes at learning.

The impact of COVID-19 in recent years has predicted the framework for future architectural improvisations. It has brought to light the disparity between constructed spaces and user engagement, along with the dearth of shared experiences among individuals. The abstractness of advancements in the field of architecture can lead architects to find answers to questions such as the incorporation of AI as a boom to the community, sustenance of environment and climate in the longer run, optimization of spaces by reaching heights via increasing floors to a built structure and then again enhancing an image of how built masses would look like in an entirely separate dimension. 

