Architecture is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures. It makes spaces creative, functional, and aesthetically pleasing while considering factors such as cultural, social, environmental, and economic aspects. Architecture encompasses various styles, materials and techniques, and it plays a significant role in shaping the built environment and influencing how people interact with their surroundings.

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Architecture monument in italy_©

Architecture is something which is related to everybody and their day-to-day life, inside as well as outside the house. There is an essence of architecture in everything from the design of our homes and workplaces to the layout of our cities and the landscapes we inhabit. Whether it’s a community centre, corporate office, public garden or home. In daily routines, there are a lot of architectural elements that impact our well-being, productivity, and sense of belonging. The layout of living spaces affects mood and behaviour, while the design of public spaces shapes social interactions and community engagement. From the arrangement of the furniture to the choice of materials and colours, every detail of architectural design contributes to the functionality, aesthetics and atmosphere of the built environment.

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Moreover, architecture reflects the values, aspirations and identity of societies and cultures. From ancient civilisation to modern-day innovations, architecture style serves as a tangible expression of human creativity, ingenuity and cultural heritage. Architecture is also a cultural heritage whether it is a historic landmark, a contemporary masterpiece or a dwelling, it tells us who society is and what it values. Architecture is not about designing buildings, it’s about shaping the spaces, where people live, work, and play. It’s about creating a comfortable, peaceful and increasing well-being of people.

Architecture: As A Profession

Entering into architecture may change the whole perspective to look at the world- buildings, parks, roads, pathways, public spaces, their surroundings, sittings, trees and every other thing, it feels like everything is related to architecture. There is nothing outside the architecture world.

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Architecture is a very vast field and it gives us a lot of learnings. After becoming an architect every minute detail makes sense, whenever we see something like public places, buildings, or community areas, the first thought in mind comes to how it is made, what kind of material is used, what are the technique used in it, what are the details given and who will be using the particular space, is it public or private. Every small thing makes sense and gives us a thought of what are the pros and cons of the material, what can be its alternatives, and how we can make it better, comfortable and aesthetic for the user.

Before entering into the architecture world, we never thought of observing everything with so much patience. Every minute detail like aesthetics, materials, functionality, surroundings, safety and comfort all these things make space comfortable for the user. There was never a thought in mind that the house in which we are living has so much to learn from, every space says something, doors, windows, entrances, directions everything has a meaning and is designed thoughtfully. We are keeping In mind comfort, aesthetics, environment, and materials. There is a thought behind every space, why the kitchen is given at a particular location, why the size of the window and many more things which we can relate to in our day-to-day life.

Learnings: From Architecture

Architecture is always fascinating and there is always something to learn, to observe and grasp from. After entering into architecture while working in studios we start understanding designing, planning and some practical aspects of it like sections, elevations and other aspects of designing. While entering into practical life, it gives us a real view of architecture, every minute detail, how things come into existence, what are the challenges we have to face while working on the sites, and how to deal with contractors, labour and clients as well. It also tells us that there are limitations in design. Importance of site visits, meeting with vendors, material selection and all things blend to make an architect.

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There are a lot of things we learn from architecture, it is not easy to be an architect we have to multitask, and it is a huge responsibility as it affects the lives of people and their lives. Many times, architects are also underpaid and they are not paid for their work, even in the markets there is a lot of competition in this industry as this industry is not regulated much. Even the majority of people don’t know what an architect does and what his work is and they give work directly to the contractors, which makes it difficult for architects to survive. Architecture is a full-time job and it takes all the attention, time and hard work to be in this field, but all the efforts make sense when a building is constructed and imagination comes into existence.

Architects have to be aware of very minute details. There are a lot of soft skills we learn as architects like time management to meet project deadlines, effectively communicating ideas and concepts to clients, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, creativity, attention to detail and leadership. Developing these skills with technical skills is important for an architect to excel in the architectural profession.

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Learn by travelling_©

Travelling and going to new places Is the best kind of architectural learning. When we go to new places we see different types of culture, architectural styles, street patterns, building styles, atmospheric conditions as well as different food. Observation is the key to architecture, as much as we observe and grasp it always helps in designing and understanding. 

Architecture is a very vast and technical field where architects have a multifaceted impact on people’s lives, influencing not only the physical environment but also the social, cultural, economic and environmental aspects of society. Architects’ work shapes the way we live, work, play and interact with each other and the world around us.
