“As an architect, you design for the present with an awareness of the past for a future which is essentially unknown.”- Norman Foster

Architecture has a huge role to play in the direction in which mankind advances. It is responsible for defining a multitude of interactions among people, their environs, and the circumstances that govern life. It determines the direction for the future, occasionally evolving and adapting, at other times, defying norms and revolutionizing the lifestyle. This industry has grown immensely over the last few decades. From architectural design to construction techniques, there are a lot of advancements seen. 

Impact of Buildings | What does The Future Hold

A building influences its environment and also reflects a profound effect on the emotions and feelings of the onlookers. It is the architectural innovation that lends deeper meaning to its location and enriches its environment aesthetically. Apart from the use of technology, there are a variety of trendsetters that will be helpful in the growth of architecture. The goal of the viewpoint is to generate a well-designed and contemporary architecture in nature, that enriches the social and natural environment, fulfilling the needs of the modern-day with its communal function and organic style.

Architects help in solving complex global problems. As the population rises, this field holds the key to the future of the planet. It is the solution to poverty, overpopulation, land depletion, pollution, etc. The increasing populace and importance of environmental impact rule the parameters that architects concentrate on. 

Virtual Reality as a Tool

Buildings that generate more power than they consume, resilient designs that can withstand extreme weather, and accommodating migrating populations are the changes that are beginning to emerge. This kind of judicious thinking will create the forward impetus we need to regenerate our world while making it equitable and healthy. 

Architecture is changing at an alarming pace, crediting to technological advancements. Innovations like Virtual reality and 3D printing have helped in expanding the limits of architecture. Architects can see how designs come together even before construction is underway with the help of virtual reality. 3D printing helps in solving complex problems with structural resilience and material usage. Large scale 3D printers will help in creating stupefying structures and explore the limits of design in the future. 

Sustainable Architecture

Buildings play a crucial role in shaping the future. In the future, their façade will live, breathe and clean the air, while improving the lives of their inhabitants. Sustainable buildings are designed with eco-efficiency to address environmental and social issues. Sustainability is meeting one’s needs in the present, without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Current sustainable practices that benefit in molding the future, ranging from smart cities to eco-friendly architecture.

Smart Cities

The climate crisis has revealed the need for better planning of our cities. Construction projects contribute to high carbon gas emissions. Fortunately, there are several ways to intervene to bring several changes into this scenario to improve energy efficiency. Smart cities are urban developments that focus on sustainability. With a greater focus on renewable energy, like solar energy, wind energy, etc; better access to health and public services, and transportation solutions; these cities respond to the overall communal requirements. The rapid development of such settlements in the future would allow the planners to make efficient use of resources, reduce energy consumption and nurture a healthier lifestyle.

Adaptive Reuse | What does The Future Hold

Architects have to be wary of pre-existing spaces. It is highly carbon-intensive and environmentally damaging to obliterate a building. Adaptive reuse could be the best solution in such cases. This practice has already commenced in the past few years. For example, Alembic Industrial Heritage, Vadodara. Originally, it was a chemical industry emitting heavy chemical fumes. However, now it acts as an industrial-borne art gallery. 

What does the future hold? - Sheet1
Alembic Industrial Heritage_ ©Esha Daftari and Nilanjan Roy

Tiny Homes

Tiny housing primarily represents a return to simpler living, the movement is considered as a potential eco-friendly solution to the existing housing industry, and a feasible transitional option for people hunting for shelter. Tiny homes are about the quality of quantity. As the population rises, smaller homes help in dealing with accommodation and space issues.  

Eco-Friendly Architecture

Humanity is currently facing major menaces, such as climate change and limited natural resources. One of the prime actions to prevent these threats is to come up with solutions like reducing waste and recycling spaces. Approaches like green buildings reduce or eliminate negative impacts and can create positive impacts on our climate and natural environment, in its design, construction or operation. For instance, Gardens by the Bay.  Consisting of two glass biomes, the conservatories replicate the cool-dry climate of the Mediterranean and semi-arid sub-tropical regions. The house is a diverse collection of rarely seen plants and trees of the world, which hold a high conservational value. These are a statement in sustainable engineering and apply cutting edge technologies for energy-efficient solutions in cooling.

What does the future hold? - Sheet2
Gardens by the Bay_ ©https://chasingdaisiesblog.com/flower-fields/gardens-by-the-bay/

High Rise and Skyscrapers | What does The Future Hold

As the population is growing, spaces become limited. Building taller, smaller, and more efficient in the way of future buildings. Skyscrapers not only house residences but also feature vertical farming and the usage of various materials. For instance, One central park, Australia is a skyscraper that features vertical gardening with innovative use of cantilevers. 

One Central Park_ ©Laura Mordas-Schenkein


As architecture is being envisioned for the future, rapidly changing, its center remains unchanged. Beauty would remain an essential characteristic of architecture. Though there are many technological and sustainable advancements happening for a better future, the core would remain to be functionality and aesthetics for the users. Visionaries are using the newest methods and imagining the future today. Innovative sustainable solutions and advanced technologies are at the forefront of pioneer minds. 


Frank Lloyd Wright (1981). The future of architecture. New York: New American Library.

www.gardensbythebay.com.sg. (n.d.). Sustainability Efforts. [online] Available at: https://www.gardensbythebay.com.sg/en/about-us/our-gardens-story/sustainability-efforts.html.

Lonergan, B. (2020). Future Architecture Trends – Materials, Design, and Future Cities. [online] ArchitectureQuote – Connect Architects to New Projects. Available at: https://architecturequote.com/future-architecture/.

ArchShowcase. (2019). Alembic Industrial Heritage and Re-Development in Gujarat, India by Karan Grover and Associates. [online] Available at: https://www10.aeccafe.com/blogs/arch-showcase/2019/09/04/alembic-industrial-heritage-and-re-development-in-gujarat-india-by-karan-grover-and-associates/ [Accessed 17 Dec. 2021].

‌chasingdaisiesblog.com. (2021). Gardens-by-the-Bay. [online] Available at: https://chasingdaisiesblog.com/flower-fields/gardens-by-the-bay/ [Accessed 17 Dec. 2021].

Anon, (n.d.). The world’s tallest vertical garden lives and breathes in Sydney. [online] Available at: https://inhabitat.com/the-worlds-tallest-vertical-garden-lives-and-breathes-in-sydney/.


Namita Karnik is a budding architect, zealous explorer, and imaginative thinker. With the knack of writing, she wishes to convey her thoughts to the world. Thriving for new experiences, she holds immense love for travel, sketching, and photography.