Do you like the finer things in life? That’s an easy question because most of us prefer an upscale existence where our homes are luxurious and ready for entertaining. While it is a dream to strive for, getting the decor just right cannot be easy because not all of us have design training.

Fortunately, you can create an upscale look for your residence with the right tips and guidance. To help you in this quest, here are seven luxury apartment design ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

Establish Your Vision

People are unique, and while they may gravitate towards the current fad, they want to put their stamp on their home. When you design your apartment, it should reflect your personality and flair.

Think about what you want to achieve with the layout, colour scheme, and furniture. A clear vision will dictate much of this, but it will also expand your options and lead you to decide what you want in your living space.

Pick the Right Colour

Colour is typically a personal choice, but that doesn’t mean your favourite shades and hues will work in a luxury apartment. The best place to start is with neutral colours, which create light and openness. This could be off-white, grey or several soft earth tones that add instant style to the walls.

From there, consider accent colours that draw the eye to a focal point in the room. You can also add colour to accessories and furniture. Using colour psychology, you can create different atmospheres by picking shades that produce emotions of peace, tranquillity, and serenity.

Use Lighting to Your Advantage

It’s easy to illuminate a room using simple overhead lights and lamps, but you want something more special for luxury living. Begin with natural lighting. This brings the sun into your home through your windows and brightens the room. It also offers a natural view of the great outdoors.

Other types of lighting include:

  • Ambient
  • Task
  • Architectural
  • Mood

In a luxurious apartment, highlight art pieces and other focal points with the right lighting specific to the different zones in your home. LED lights are taking over, and for good reason: they last longer and are brighter. It’s wise to switch all your lights to LED.

Add Texture

When living in an upscale apartment, you want tactile variation and visual interest. This is achieved through various mediums, including furniture, objects, textiles, and finishes, all of which play off each other.

Hard, shiny objects contrast with smooth, rough elements while offsetting heights and scales. You can soften up hard surfaces like wood furniture with blankets and pillows. Some walls look gorgeous with plaster or textured wallpaper, and a hardwood or tile floor can have a woven rug to complement it. You see the contrast but feel it, too.

Place Mirrors Around the Space

As wonderful as apartments are, they are usually limited in size and have few windows. Mirrors can help here and make your home seem more spacious and opulent.

Mirrors are reflective surfaces that direct natural light into rooms and create added square footage. Floor-to-ceiling mirrors will open up a hallway and, when placed near artwork or features like a fireplace, draw the eye to focus on your added amenities and elements.

Standout Furniture Pieces

A luxurious home needs great furniture that stands out from regular fare. These specially selected pieces, such as oversized chairs and grand sofas, cabinetry, and family heirlooms, become the hub of a room.

Accent furniture makes a statement in any room with bold colours and rich textures that beg to be sat on. You can also incorporate multi-purpose furniture if room size is an issue. Pieces like bookcases that convert to fold-down tables or under-bed storage can look amazing and be a practical solution for limited space.

Multiple Art Mediums

Nothing says luxury more than artwork and other curated art pieces. This shows luxury that can adorn walls and the floor or be displayed on shelves and tables. This is more than paintings, as there are other mediums like sculptures and one-of-a-kind art installations that guests will adore. Stunning art serves as a centrepiece of any room and, with the right lighting, can stand out to become a real focal point.

Ultimately, you get to decide what luxury means to you. Take these ideas on board and transform your apartment into the divine oasis you’ve always wanted.


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