Regardless of the age of their house, most people want to personalize it and make necessary changes to fit their lifestyle. This is especially true with a tiny home because the lack of space is paramount, and anything will only make things better.

Do you live in a small apartment and want significant changes? With the right ideas and know-how, you can do a lot. Here are some ideas for renovating a tiny home.

Start with a Budget

Many people like to figure out what they want to do. However, it isn’t easy if you get excited about a renovation plan but don’t have the funds to do it. Before you get emotionally involved, see what financial resources you have.

A budget is basically writing down what money comes in and going out. The leftovers are what you have to play with. For a renovation, you can’t just start it and finish it over an extended period while the money comes in. It would help if you could decide on a renovation and get started. Now, match this up with your wish list and begin your project.

Decide What You Can Do Yourself

Some people are technically capable of renovations. If this is above your pay grade, contact a qualified contractor well-versed in home renovations. Remember, anything you can do yourself will keep money in your pocket, so dust off your tools and do whatever you can.

Consider Alternate Living Arrangements

Renovations may be inconvenient in a regular home, but you can still live through them. Because you have square footage, you can live in part of the home while the other part is worked on. A tiny home won’t afford that luxury, so you must vacate it during a renovation.

Depending on the scope of the renovation, it could be a short stay where you could plan a vacation away or stay in a local hotel. Larger-scale projects may force you to rent short-term. Either way, it is worth it because your house will seem new when you return home.

Add Value

A tiny home is just like any other home that you may want to sell later. This type of frugal living is gaining popularity. Tiny homes are becoming a hot commodity, so any renovation you do should serve you now and add value down the road.

You want your home to increase in worth, so consider this when planning a renovation. Things like a kitchen upgrade, a deck, or a basement renovation are smart choices that make a big impact. Also, ensure you keep the expense the same, so the cost can’t be recouped when selling.

Incorporate Dual Uses

Tiny homes work for different family orientations, but kids can’t stop growing. This may mean you need to add another bed or expand the eating and front room area, but the footprint will only allow it to expand the square footage. You can get around this with smart design and creative uses for multiple purposes.

This is where experienced tiny home renovators can be valuable. They have dealt with this many times and know what can be accomplished with dual-use furniture like:

  • Wall-mounted furniture that folds away
  • Table/bed conversions
  • Lofts that give you more room
  • Storage solutions built into beds and couches

These and other solutions are more than multi-purpose furniture; instead, they are permanent, built-in pieces that serve your growing needs.

Be Patient

As we stated before, depending on the scope of your renovation, it will take more time than you think. For a DIY project, you will work around your job and family commitments.

Expectations can be high with contractors, but they know the process and how long it takes. The best thing to do is take a deep breath and let the project unfold, communicating all along. Excitement will build but try not to overwhelm yourself while waiting for the build to be complete.

Remember, you have committed to dramatic changes, so see it through and prepare for an enhanced living experience. Tiny homes are a way of life, so love your space and see how your design ideas come to fruition.


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