Your reception area plays a particularly large part in how your visitors and guests view your business. Offering an area that looks expensive and luxurious, for instance, could remind those visiting that they are in a quality business that deals with higher-end clientele and deals with exceedingly good products and services.

Of course, the opposite is also true; a shabby reception area, thrown together with little thought, only provides insight into a business that approaches its products and services in the same way.

Undoubtedly you will want to show your business as the better of these two examples, and in order to do so, you will need to provide your visitors and guests with some important factors.

#1 Comfortable seating area

You should certainly consider adding comfortable seating to your reception area. This is usually the area where guests will wait to be seen and certainly the area where any visitors will frequent. So, this area should look warm, welcoming, and, above all, comfortable. Keeping your guests in this manner will certainly create a good first impression and relax the nervous while improving the mood of those that are kept waiting to be seen.

#2 Plenty of green, leafy plants

Installing some green leafy plants can also help relax guests and visitors alike while making your reception area a nice place to be. There are many benefits to having plants around the place of work and not just because they look nice.

They can help purify the air, reduce stress, and decrease anger and hostility. Used correctly, they can also provide a natural screen between your guest or visitor and your working front office personnel. This means that your employees will be able to go about their business without the feeling of being stared at or the focus of unwanted attention.

#3 A nice rug for color and warmth

Adding a nice, good-quality rug can also improve the overall experience of your visitor or guest. It can provide additional color in an otherwise formal setting and can give a feeling of warmth. Even just 9×12 rugs can prove to be a highly desirable addition to your reception area. Of course, rugs come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, so it is important that you choose one that will fit with your reception area, your color scheme, and the space that you have.

#4 TV for entertainment purposes

As touched on briefly above, you are going to want to provide your guests and visitors with some form of entertainment other than staring at your receptionist. In recent years the idea of placing top-end magazines and newspapers has gone out of fashion, mainly due to the spread of covid and other viruses. So now you are more limited to the option of placing a TV or large screen to provide those that are after entertainment sources.

It is unlikely that you are going to want the TV actually picking up real channels, as this could prove yet another distraction for your workers. However, you can provide your guests with interesting information about your business or the sector that you deal with or even, if you are part of the manufacturing sector, how certain items are made by providing videos or PowerPoint presentations.

Final thoughts

It is all about making your visitors and guests feel welcome and relaxed while showcasing the best possible aspect of your business. Holding meetings after a guest has spent time drinking coffee in a suitably comfortable, relaxed area will go far better as they will have time to unwind, de-stress and focus on what the meeting is about. This, of course, is even more important if they have had a long distance to travel to get to your establishment and are in need of refreshment and recuperation before business begins.


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