The creation of new urban developments is no longer a simple matter of aesthetics vs practicality or convenience vs budget constraints. Any discussion on the topic must address the role that science and technology play in improving energy efficiency.

How important is energy efficiency in your approach to urban realty? There is mounting pressure from the world’s top organizations to create more energy-efficient and sustainable urban structures. For that reason, this has become a top priority for architects and builders, alike.

Here are the top 5 ways in which technology aids energy efficiency in urban reality.

Renewable Energy Integration

With the worldwide move to sustainable energy, solar panels, wind turbines, and similar installations are becoming more common in urban realty.

But perhaps the biggest benefit of technology in the urban setting is how it allows the integration of these renewable energy sources into existing settings.

In some areas, these alternative energy sources are not always feasible for round-the-clock power generation. But specially designed energy storage systems can provide intermittent renewable energy as and when needed, such as during high-usage time slots.

This will reduce the burden on the existing infrastructure at peak times. Making it much easier to meet Basic Sustainability Index requirements, which will determine your urban development’s BASIX compliance.

Energy-Efficient Building Materials

The benefits of energy-efficient windows and building envelopes, cannot be overlooked. They reduce energy waste and therefore also aid compliance with new rulings on sustainability. And advanced materials can further enhance the energy efficiency of your urban dwellings and other structures.

To face the new architectural challenges set by expectations from environmental and government bodies head-on, science has stepped up to face these new architectural challenges.

Architecture and construction now join hands to create a new wave of urban buildings that combine art with science.

Advanced materials and techniques are constantly becoming available that can be used to design buildings with fewer carbon emissions while proving resilient against ongoing climate changes.

However, to be truly sustainable, alternative materials should be sourced locally.

This further reduces the impact on the environment, by cutting out much of the carbon emissions produced in hauling materials from distant locations. It also supports local communities and businesses that are producing such items.

Smart Grid Systems

By now we’re all familiar with the concept of smart grids for smart cities. But what does this mean?

Smart grid systems optimize energy distribution and consumption, through tools like smart meters that enable real-time energy monitoring.

Demand-response programs are the ultimate goal. They reduce energy waste, thereby establishing a more responsible pattern of energy use.

Smart grids don’t just modernize utility structures and make managing those precious resources easier. They empower people who yearn for more efficient energy management but don’t have the labor or resources to implement it.

By eliminating much of the need for the human element, it enables more productive use of those human skills elsewhere.

That is why smart grids are the smart choice for any urban developer committed to producing buildings and infrastructure that will stand the test of time.

Internet of Things (IoT) in Building Automation

Also known as Industry 4.0, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the way the world operates. And urban realty is not immune to its technological charms.

But do we really need it as much as we’ve been told? Frankly, yes we do, and here’s why.

Thanks to advances like IoT, automated control and monitoring of energy systems are possible. When embedded in urban structures, the IoT’s sensors and analytics can further optimize resource utilization.

Smart thermostats and lighting systems allow energy conservation that doesn’t rely on the active participation of residents. And most importantly, this is not subject to the apathy of urban dwellers who don’t take the necessary steps to reduce their energy consumption.

Data Analytics and Energy Management

Data analytics is the new buzzword in virtually every sector of human society. There is no longer any doubt about the importance of big data analytics in the business world, or industry.

Likewise, data analytics have an important role to play in energy management in new urban developments.

Energy management software simplifies and collates all essential tasks, and relies on algorithms to highlight patterns and predict trends in energy usage.

These data-driven insights can be used to identify areas for energy efficiency improvements.

This improves decision-making and planning, as information that would normally take ages to compute is available instantly, and always updated in real-time.

Architecture is an age-old art form, and modern construction is the physical application of that art form.

As new advances in technology continue to make their presence felt in urban realty, more and more urban designers are embracing them. Will you be one of them?


Rethinking The Future (RTF) is a Global Platform for Architecture and Design. RTF through more than 100 countries around the world provides an interactive platform of highest standard acknowledging the projects among creative and influential industry professionals.